Chapter 16- Lydia

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Now I can cross off "getting nasty in an elevator" and "being eaten out on a wide desk" off my "naughty deeds" bucket list.

Except... my pleasure is not long lived.

Theo and I hastily clean up, it takes us about five minutes till we regain our composure. We waste all the tissue papers Theo had on cleaning the floor and the desk, then adjust our clothes and hair then wash the taste of each other away by downing a glass of champagne.

I don't even bother with reapplying makeup around him anymore, because as long as he's here, one way or another, my makeup will be removed, followed shortly by my clothes.

Theo pulls his office door open for me, but instead of the expected emptiness of the hallway greeting me, I'm met with a blonde woman in her mid-forties with folded arms and a scowl etched on her face, her icy blue eyes scan me before traveling up to Theo behind me, her gaze filled with rebuke.

"Kathrine..." Theo drawls, "For how long have you been standing here like a scarecrow, may I ask?"

Katherine aches an eyebrow, "Long enough to realize you'd rather indulge in your carnal desires than attend the event meticulously made for your corporation, Mister Kingsley."

My cheeks burn, not just from the champagne but from the sudden shift in atmosphere.

Theo's jaw clenches, the playful air evaporating instantly. "Katherine, I assure you this isn't a neglect of duty. I'm heading to the press conference presently."

"Good," Katherine replies, her tone impeccably professional but laced with a faint undercurrent of disapproval. "The conference is about to begin."

A flicker of recognition sparks in my head, so brief I almost miss it. But it's enough. This isn't the first time I've seen this woman.

My mind races back. The charity gala. Me, heading down the rooftop stairs after a conversation with Theo. And her, Katherine, ascending the metal steps with determined glint in her eyes. We hadn't spoken, but the image is vivid.

Theo's gaze flicks back to me, a silent apology flashing in his eyes before hardening on Katherine. "Your presence there isn't required. Please escort Lydia back to the main hall."

Katherine's lips purse, a flicker of annoyance crossing her sculpted face. Her voice, though polite, is laced with a sharp edge. "Mr. Kingsley, with all due respect, that falls outside the parameters of my responsibilities as your public relations manager."

Theo's gaze narrows further. He leans in slightly, his voice low to an intimidating extent. "And tonight," he emphasizes each word, "the parameters of your job expand to include whatever I deem necessary. Now, do as I order."

Not ask or request, no. but order.

The air crackles with tension as Theo exercises his authority on her. Katherine's icy stare meets Theo's head-on for a beat before she looks away. A barely perceptible sigh escapes her lips. "Of course, Mr. Kingsley," she says, a hint of resignation in her voice. "If that's your wish."

Katherine throws me a sidelong glance, her expression unreadable. "Shall we?"

I steal a glance at Theo, who offers a reassuring nod but with a hint of worry in his eyes. Taking a deep breath, I force a smile at Katherine. "Lead the way."

She turns and walks towards the elevator, and I follow behind. As soon as the elevator doors hiss shut, Katherine presses the button for the main hall. The silence stretches, suffocating, until she finally speaks, her voice dripping with amusement.

"Quite the performance you and Mr. Kingsley put on back there." Her eyes flicker to me, a knowing glint sparking in their icy depths. "For a fake engagement, it seems awfully convincing."

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