Part 37

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Dear diary,
The night as now turning to morning. As I walked into the mikaelson mansion I looked over my shoulder to see the sun rising. The sky was now a beautiful orange with light pink clouds. The white sunlight gleamed off the condensation outside. As I entered the house I was meet by a not so familiar face. Kol. "What are you doing up so late, darling?" Kol said rubbing is eyes. I swerved away from him entering the kitchen. Kol sped over to me. He stopped in front of me, staring me down. He swiftly moved his hands to my face. Brushing my hair back. I looked over at Kol's hand. It began to crack and break. His face turned to pain as his hand bent backwards. Then I moved my glazed to his legs. I could hear the bones shatter. Kol quickly fell to the ground landing on his knees. Kol grunted his body in pain. As long as he was in my sight I had a hold of him. His body wasn't able to heal. The front door began to open. I lifted my glaze from Kol watching as Klaus and Elijah walked inside. Kol sighed popping his joints back into place. The healing process beginning. I looked over at Elijah and Klaus because turning my back to everyone, walking up at the stairs. "Grace wait" Elijah yelled after me. Klaus placed his hand on Elijahs chest trying to stop him from chasing after me. Elijah nudged it away, running up the stairs. Chasing me. He quickly grabbed my waist pulling me into a dimly lit hallway. I turned to him in frustration. In the dark hallway I could barely see Elijah's face but I could feel his breath on my chest. I sighed. "Elijah I need to" he stopped me by placing a finger on my mouth. "I need to apologize for tonight" he began to say slowly dropping his finger from my lips. "Your apologize is accepted Elijah" I politely said. I looked down as my stomach is it roared. I awkwardly giggled. "Well maybe I shouldn't have been so fast to pass up the opportunity of your kitchen" I smiled up at Elijah. "Come" he said taking my hand walking me down the stairs. Klaus smiled as we passed him. "I'm glad you accepted his apology" he said following us in too the kitchen. "Since everyone is handling out apologies" I said turning to Klaus and Kol. Kol angrily crossed his arms. Klaus nudged him with his elbow. "We're sorry" Klaus and Kol told me. I smiled at them. "Thank you". Elijah turned to me. "What would you like?" He said. I sat down at the table thinking, but before I could answer Klaus said "Do we have any blueberries?" Elijah looked confused. I nodded "blueberries sound excellent" I smiled turning to Klaus. I guess he figured out blueberries where my favourite, because that was what I was constantly eating. Klaus sat down next to me at the table. Well Elijah gathered a bowl of fresh blueberries. Picking them from the hanging garden they had in their kitchen. "Do you guys eat human food?" I asked them. Kol chuckled sitting across table. "Yes we do eat so called human food" Elijah said placing a bowl of fresh blueberries in the centre of the table before taking a seat next to Kol. I grabbed a handful shoving them into my mouth. "You are completely disgusting" Kol sighed. I swallowed my blueberries before picking one up from the bowl. "Catch" I said throwing a blueberry at Kol's face. It hit him in the cheek, splattering. Me and Klaus laughed at Kol's annoyed look on his face. Elijah rubbed his temple, in disappointment in our childish behaviour. "Come on, the was hilarious" I giggled. Kol wiped the splattered blueberry off his cheek licking his thumb afterwards. "Excellent blueberries Elijah" Kol said turning to him. "Hello boys" Rebekah interrupted, walking over to the table. She was fully dressed in a expensive dark blue day dress with black umbrella over her shoulder. Her blonde hair had a slight curl to it. "Good morning Rebekah" I said offering her the bowl of blueberries. She shook her head. Turning it down. "We are leaving in an hour" Rebekah said because turning her backs to us. As soon as Rebecca was out of sight, I asked the group "Is Rebekah mad?" I wondered. Kol shook his head. "No Rebecca has always been uptight" Kol said. I looked beside me at Klaus. I could feel his anger. Kol's comment made Klaus's blood boil. I placed my hand on his. Replacing his bad energy with good. Calming him down. "Well if you would excuse me, I have to get ready for my excursion" I said standing up from the table.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖎𝖒𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖑 𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉 Where stories live. Discover now