Part 59

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Dear diary,
As Rebekah tied my hair back in red bows, I couldn't help but feel unlike myself. I never wore ruby red dresses or dark tones of lipstick. These were all Georgina's colours, not mine. The dress I was wearing was an elegant red British night dress. The sleeves were long and barley reached my wrist. The dress was made of a thin moveable fabric, easy to dance in. I was excited, my first ball in over 100 years. Hopefully I didn't step on anyone's toes. "And done" Rebekah smiles tightening the last bow. I gave a weak smile back turning to look at myself in the mirror. If I have black hair I could pass for Georgina. I dabbed my lips with the tip of my pointer finger smoothing it. "I'll meet you at the stairs" Rebekah squealed squeezing my arm. I shook my head ripping out the bows as soon as Rebekah had left the room. My blonde hair fell in perfect curls framing my face. "Well someone looks nice" Georgina's said looking back at me in the mirror. She wore the same outfit as me but her dress was blue. "You look beautiful" I smiled at her. "Of course I do" Georgina giggled as she played with her hair. "No but Grace you look like as beautiful as a diamond in the rough" Georgina smiled before vanishing. Tonight I was going to have fun there was no need to be sad. I sighed pulling myself together before opening the door and slowly walking to the top of the stairs. The girls were lined up at the top of the stairs awaiting their announcement. "Name?" A tall man asked pen and paper in hand. "Grace Petrova" I said unwilling to share my full name. He nodded scrambling down my name. I looked around as I waited. The ceiling was painted with naked babies and angels. The walls we a beautiful light brown. As time passed it was finally my turn. "Grace Petrova" the man read loudly. I swallowed before gracefully walking down the stairs. I watched as the people stared, but I didn't feel nervous. My eyes couldn't help but wonder to Elijah who stood at the bottom of the stairs. As I meet him he took my hand, gently kissing it before offering my his arm. I gripped it holding on tight. The people gasped and murmured as Elijah walked me to the dance floor. "May I?" He asked with a grin. "Of course you do owe me a dance" I slightly giggled. He grabbed my waist pulling me closer. One hand fell on his shoulder the other in his hand. "You don't seem rusty" he said looking up at me as we twirled around the room. I was the last girl to descend stairs which meant I would start the dance. "Trust me I'm a lot better dancer than Klaus" I smiled our eyes meeting. I blushed as he chocked down a laugh. "Well, Grace I was hoping you would accept my offer for a stroll around Paris after the dance" Elijah calmly said. "Why of course, an hour after the dance at the old street light by the doors" I smiled the song switching. "Don't be late" I said as I bowed before switching partners. Klaus quickly grabbed my waist pulling me so close I could hear his dead heart beating. He was my next partner. "He doesn't love you" Klaus whispered as we danced. "What do you mean by that?" I sourly asked pulling my body away. "He loves you for the woman you have become; proper and poised, but see I will always love you though all the changes all the mistakes and all the years" Klaus said his words sounding heartfelt and true. We dance in silence as the song Viva la Vida played. "I love this song" I said awkwardly.  "Tomorrow we will go for a ride" Klaus quickly said. "Don't tell me where, I want it to be a surprise" I giggled. The music changing once again. "I had no intention" Klaus chuckled as he bowed to me. I slowly walked off the dance floor to one of the tables. I held my face in my hands as I surveyed the ball room. I could hear the the gossip about me and the mikaelson's. Was I a future bride? A Ward? A long lost sister? All I knew was the eligible bachelors were calling me the ruby of the ball. "Excuse me" A man said as he approached me. He was an older gentleman with a short white beard and greyish hair. "Yes" I answered turning to him. "My heir request a presence with you " He asked. I quickly looked over to Elijah and Klaus seemed to be enjoying themselves so I went. The man lead me over to a tall handsome man. He wore a black suit and had dirty blonde hair. "Sir" the man coughed. "Yes thank you, you're free to leave" the tall man said sternly without turning around. "It's nice to meet you ruby of the ball" he chuckled picking up a drink from a passing server. He turned to me. I could see his multicoloured eyes. One was blue the other half blue half brown. "What is your business with me, or am I free to leave as well" I said. "You really shouldn't talk to me like that, feisty one" he said taking a step closer to me. "And why not?" I asked crossing my arms. "Well I'm glad the mikaelson's finally found something who can speak up for herself" he chuckled taking another sip of his drink. Not answering my question. I rolled my eyes before turning away. I was growing tired of his man. He quickly grabbed my arm. I took a deep breath before turn towards him. He could feel the magic draining from my body then quickly regaining. We both knew if he didn't let go soon he would be died. Magic didn't take too kindly to those who steal. "Well Henry you know you should grab" Elijah said walking behind me. "What type of witch is she?" Henry asked dropping his grip on me. "I'm not a witch" I said stepping back rubbing my wrist. "And I'm not the king of Russia" Henry chuckled, mocking me. "I wouldn't be surprised if suddenly you chocked on your own drink" Klaus said stepping beside Elijah a big smile on his face. "She has both the mikaelson brothers" Henry clapped. "I didn't want to hurt you little play thing boys, I find her interesting" He said taking another step forward. I quickly moved my eyes to his glass, watching as it shattered in his hand. "Not a witch" Henry happily said unphased by the blood dripped from his hand. "You have something that's worth a lot of money" he said showing me his hand as he healed. "Don't worry I protect my own" he winked at me. "A Siphon witch" I said looking down at his hand. "Well my immortal child may I have his dance" he bowed to me. His dirty blonde hair falling in his face. "Can I trust you?" I asked him. He looked up his multicoloured eyes gleaming. "You could destroy me" he said. He smiled as I took his hand. I looked back at Klaus and Elijah. "I'll be fine" I quietly said. As Henry lead me away. I watch as they stood still in the corner, their eyes watching my every movement. Henry was reluctant to grab hold of my waist but he did it anyways. "I'm sorry about earlier" Henry said looking down at me. "It's alright" I said before quickly asking him a question. "How long have you know Klaus and Elijah?" I asked him. "Why do you need them as bodyguards?" He asked me soon after. "Will you ever answer my questions!" I angrily said. "No" he replied with a cocky attitude. I could tell he had a large ego. "Fine I'll guess" I said looking down at his feet. "Your shoes are from 1789 so you were probably born in 1760" I said looking back up at him. "Only an immortal would be that accurate" he chuckled shaking his head. "And you? What is your age?" He asked me. "Guess" I smiled. He sighed. "100 BC, your date of birth" he said calmly. "You're a cheater and I liar" I said in shock. "You will never know my secrets" he smiled dripping me. "Are you really the king of Russia?" I asked him as we continued to dance. "Why yes I am" he said looking into my eyes. "You and I, Henry are going to be great friends" I said letting go of him as the song ended. "If you ever need anything, come to Russia I will be awaiting your arrival" he smiled placing a tiny red ruby into my hand before walking away disappearing into the crowd. No one will ever know Henry's emotions as we talk or danced, only I. He never wanted to hurt me, he was waiting for an action of my abilities, to prove his point. He knew I was the immortal child he just wanted me to realize it as well.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖎𝖒𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖑 𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉 Where stories live. Discover now