Part 66

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Dear diary,
Their blood is on my hands. I collapsed to the floor in tears and I returned home. There in the doorway laid Tina. Blood dripped down to the floor from her stomach. She was stabbed. I placed my trembling hands on her chest, searching for a soul to pull back. She couldn't have been dead long, her blood was still fresh against my fingers. I looked up to see the second body, that laid by the staircase. It my Marcel. This must have been a welcome home gift. "Don't let Rebekah see this" I said though my teeth to Elijah. He rushed back trying to keep Rebekah from entering the house, but she fought back. Tina was her best friend, I couldn't risk for her to spiral out of control. Klaus ran past me and over to Marcel. "Wake up!" Klaus yelled, violently shaking Marcel's cold dead corpse. I couldn't find them, they were too far gone. I was too late. "Grace do something... please" Klaus begged me. I could tell by his muffled voice, that he was also crying. I couldn't breathe. I stood up from Tina body, placing my hands on my head trying to stop my frustration. Accidentally smearing her blood across my forehead. I sniffed, pulling my hands from my face. They shook as her innocent blood dripped from my fingertips. Leaving blood stains on the clear hard wood floors. "Life or death, which will you choose?" I could hear Georgina whisper into my ear. She was right. I need to snap out of it. I had to save my son, at any cost. I would do anything for him. "Marcel" I cried running over to him and Klaus. I knelt by his lifeless body. I held up his face so I could better see him. His skin felt like sandpaper, and black veins lined his face. "You will not die again" I cried, moving my grip the wooden stake that was plunged into his chest. I aggressively ripped it from his chest, causing myself to fall back. A gasp. Marcel took in sharp breaths as his chest began to close. They must not have knew what his was... a vampire. A scream. I sat up, turning to face her. Rebekah was standing in the doorway a fire in her eyes that quickly turned to sadness. "I-I we have to do something" she cried into Elijah's arms. I wiped another tear from my face at the site of her pain. "Ouch" I quietly said flicking the tear on to the floor. Everyone watched in silence as the tear melted a hole in the floor returning to the earth. "Golden tears" Rebekah wondered. I looked up at her another one running down my face. I knew whatever she was thinking wasn't good. She quickly ran over swiping the tear from my cheek. I could her ear bleeding scream as my tear melted her skin to the bone. "Rebekah don't" I yelled realizing what she was about to do, but I was too late. The tear dripped from her finger. Its gold colour sparklingly in the sunlight as it fell. As it hit Tina's body it turned to ash. I coughed as a wave of her ashes flew up in the air. "I just thought that-" Rebekah began to say looking down at her healing fingers. "Never mind" she said shaking her head, as she stormed away. "Rebekah" Klaus sighed quickly standing up chasing her. Once they were gone I spoke. "I know who did this" I said quietly to myself. "It couldn't possibly be the witches if that's what you assume" Elijah lashed out. "You don't know them like me, they had probable cause" I deeply said looking up, staring into his worried brown eyes. I was too heated with fury, to listen to his words of warning. So I did something stupid. I slowly closed my eyes, pushing away Elijah's stressful words. I could feel his voice slow. I opened my eyes to see everything moving slowly. I needed to hurry I didn't know how long I could hold it. I quickly turned to Marcel, kissing him on his forehead. "Thank you for not leaving me" I whispered. I quickly got up balling my dress in my fists, as I began to run. I pushed past Elijah without a second glance, making my way to the cemetery. I reached it out of breath and time. Everything had begun to move normally once again. "Well well I didn't expect to see you again" one witch cackled to another. "Save your words" I said, as she lifted from the ground. She choked on her own spit as she gasped for breath. "Why are you here immortal?" another asked. "I know what you and your coven have done" I breathed, dropping the girl from the sky. She coughed grabbing a hold of her neck. "You should know not to hurt my family" I yelled shaking the ground. "I don't understand" a third asked. "Don't lie" I angrily said tears forming in my eyes. "I will never get her back and it's all your fault" I screamed at them. I don't remember what happened next. I guess it was my brain way of protecting itself from the horrors I created. Before I knew it I was covered in blood. I wiped it from his eyes look towards the witches. They laid dead. Their heads gone. Their blood smeared on the tombstones. I watched as their blood returned to the earth, nourishing it."Good god" I hear a voice say behind me. I turned to him. Elijah looked disgusted. "What did you do!" He pointed. I shook my head trying to walk past him I didn't want to fight right now, but he grabbed my arm. "Why?" He asked his eyes hateful. A hate he felt for me. "I knew it" I said ripping my arm from his grip. "You despise me, don't you?" I said not wanting the answer. "Only when you at like this" he said trying to sound genuine. "Like what?! A monster!" I blurted, my face flustered. "Does this side of me make you love me any less?" I sadly asked. Elijah paused, I could see that he was thinking. "It's a yes or no question" I added. "Yes" he whispered. A fool. I was a fool. How could I have been so blind, so so stupid. I bit my bottom lip looking past him holding in tears. I had so many things I wanted to say to him, but when I opened my mouth no sound flew out. I was tongue tied. "I'll walk you home" Elijah offered. I nodded my head, turning to the exit. As we entered the house, Klaus turned to me in shock. He ran up to me hugging me tight. I was confused, why didn't he yell? Klaus always yelled. "I was so worried I thought we might have lost you too" he said pulling away from me, but his hands remained tight on my upper arms. I could see the blood that transferred onto his shirt, but he didn't seem to mind. "Where is Rebekah?" I asked. "She is gone, I'm leaving soon to search for her" Klaus said disappointedly. "I'll come assist you bother" Elijah nodded to Klaus before quietly escaping the room. Elijah and me couldn't stay in the same room with each for more than a minute. I sighed. Though Tina's death didn't affect me terribly Rebekah was gone, I hoped she was well and safe. I loved Rebekah like a sister and I couldn't stand to lose another friend today. "Promise me that you wouldn't come home until she is found" I said to Klaus. "Of course" he nodded. "Grace don't worry Rebekah is strong there is no threat she can't face" Klaus confidential said, giving my arm a squeeze. But she wasn't the one I was worried about. Later that night I went up to Marcel's room. I quietly knocked on the door. "Can I come in?" I asked from behind the closed door. "Of course" he answered. "How are you feeling?" I reassuringly asked, as I entered the room shutting the door behind me. "Well..." Marcel trailed off. "Well what?" I sarcastic said taking a set beside him on the bed. "What if I told you I was in love" he whispered. "Then I would tell you that I am happy for you and ask who has your heart" I said giving him a smile. "Marcel sweet heart, I could care less who you love as long as you don't change who you are for this person" I sincerely said to him. "Alright" he said taking a deep breath. "I'm in love with Rebekah" he said with certainty. I gave him a smile. My son was all grown up.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖎𝖒𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖑 𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉 Where stories live. Discover now