Chapter 14: Who do you care more?

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Within a forest we see both Y/n and Lucy taking up a job as it involves taking out a group of bandits hiding in the forest . We see them fighting the bnadits at their camps site as Lucy summons Leo the lion as he destroys a group of bandits in front of them.

While we see Y/n swinging his sword and blocking the bandits attacks with his shield as he summons lighting balls ams take out the bandits with no problem.

After a while of fighting the bandit camp was taking out as Lucy and Y/n exit out of the bandit camp as Lucy stretch her arms while saying.

Lucy: That was hard work but we done it.

Y/n: Yep, let's head down to the village to get our reward.

Lucy: Yeah been a while since I've gotten paid.

Y/n: I kinda see why with Natsu along.

Lucy: (smile) Yeah but I'm glad you here for once.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah no matter what.

Lucy smiles as the two head back to the village however. We see a mysterious cloaked figure looking at Lucy as Lucy suddenly feels she is being watched.

She turned and the cloaked figure was gone as Lucy find this weird while Y/n turns to her and asked.

Y/n: Hey Lucy, is there something wrong?

Lucy: Oh no, I'm alright. Let's go.

Lucy catch up with Y/n and they continue on but Lucy can't help but ask herself about thsi weird and creepy feeling that someone is following her.

(Short while later)

We see them back at the Fairy Tail guild Hall as Lucy was with Y/n as he plays Leigh with cards and Leigh wins twice and Y/n hands her a few of his money as promised.

Y/n: You sure are good at this game Leigh. Have you ever lose?

Leigh: (smirk) You and anyone can try but no one can't beat me.

Lucy: So how did you get into gambling?

Leigh: Oh guess it all started when I was 7 years old.

Lucy: (surprised) You started gambling when you were 7?!

Leigh: (smirk) Yep, at first I never understood the games until I get better and better. I made a few money during that year which was great.

Y/n: So you gamble everyone you met over those years?

Leigh: (smirk) Yep, no one can't beat this girl if anyone tries.

Y/n: I see.

Natsu: (smile) Hey Y/n.

Natsu and Happy walk over to their table as Happy flys onto the table with fish in hand as he asked before taking a bite of it.

Happy: How was that mission with Lucy?

Y/n: It was pretty good.

Lucy: Yeah and I got paid after we completed it.

Natsu: Man your lucky yous got paid. Me and Happy didn't get nothing.

Y/n: Yeah I think I know why.

Y/n chuckles and little as Lucy smiles but at the entrance of the guild was that same cloaked figure from before and as soon Lucy turns around the cloaked figure was gone.

Y/n: You alright Lucy?

Lucy: Yeah I'm fine.

Leigh: Yeah I have a feeling that "fine" thing isn't fine. What's up?

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