Episode 3

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It's 13:37,you dress up in a black suit,and check your cellphone. You take your Security Badge and go to the gate. You find a bus quickly,and take it to Benny's Funworld. You get there and enters the place,where you see the receptionist. You talk to him.

Matt-I'am here for the job interview,my name is Matthew Williams.

Receptionist-You can wait at that chair,Mr. Stein will be coming to meet you soon

(Author Note:When Matt is not in a dialogue,he will be referred to as "You" for clarity)

You stand there for a couple of minutes,and sends a message to your girlfriend,Susie,saying:"Hey Susie,I'am waiting for the job interview." Right as you send the message,you hear a voice.


You look up and see Harry Stein,the owner of this place,and son of Robert Stein,creator of Steinbotics Inc. and RabbitWorld Entertainment.

Matt-Mr. Stein! It's a pleasure to meet you!

Harry-The pleasure is mine,and you can call me Harry. Follow me.

You follow him to a door at a hallway,and you notices a strange,metal door at the end of the hallway. You sit in a chair and starts the interview.

*15 minutes time skip*

You give a happy handshake with him,and leaves the building. You sit at a bus stop and wait to take your bus home. You get there,take a shower and you sleep for some hours. When you wake up,you send Jack a message:"Hey Jack! I was accepted in the job! He said i could start at this Sunday!"

You close the message app and make a little lunch,then you star watching your favor series,an end up tiring and going to sleep.

*Meanwhile at Benny's Funworld*

It's 12:07 AM,and the receptionist is leaving Benny's Funworld,and says bye to Harry Stein. He then goes to his office and take a little token,leaving the office right after. He proceeds to go to the strange room at the end of the room,and put the token in a little device. The device scanned the token,and the door opened right after. He entered the room,with some desks and a big black board. The room was full of mechanical parts. He stopped in front of a mechanical body,a mess if wires,cables and springs,and started speaking.

Harry-I wish you were still here. I'am doing what I can for now,but I'll put you back together. I promise you will see what I've done.

However,little did he know that the future was not so bright as he thought,and that grim events awaited for not only him,but our protagonist and,most important,all the animatronics.

To be continued at Episode 4...

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