Melody - Lukanette

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Song for this chapter:

Luka sat on his bed, writing as the words rapidly came into his brain. His mind effortlessly took his hand across the pages of his notebook, he hadn't felt this inspired in so long.

It was unfortunate that the only words, the only lyrics, he could write down all came from a longing. A deep sadness that lingered inside of him. He could only think of one name.


He put the pencil down and sighed, brushing his bangs out of his face.

The day she waltzed into his room, he thought she was cute but didn't think much of it. But as the days went on he couldn't stop thinking about her.

How her black hair shone blue in the sunlight, her bluebell eyes that made her faded brown freckles stand out. The way she smiled at him and got flustered with every sentence spoken.

It was such a different feeling when he saw her again that day, she was sad. Heartbroken.

Who could've hurt such a beautiful person? Not knowing how much they had right in front of them?

He slightly jumped when his cellphone went off.

Marinette's face took over the screen.

Without thinking he picked up the phone and almost answered the phone immediately.

But he slightly winced and wondered why Marinette would be calling him so suddenly. The last time he saw her, he was taking her to the bus stop after yet, another abrupt call. He knew he'd do anything for her regardless of how she felt about him.

But he'd known about all that she did for Adrien, just so that he could go on the trip. He'd hoped that she would get some clarity. If she could decide who she wanted to devote herself to. And for a while, he thought she did.

"I want to be more than friends, Luka..." The voice echoed in his head, he would never forget that phone call. It was the happiest he'd felt in a long time.

But when came the time to actually set up those dates, she didn't show up. She didn't tell him why. She just profusely apologized and didn't speak to him for days. Perhaps she hadn't gotten the clarity she thought she did.

He didn't have it in him anymore, he was so tired of being a second choice. It wasn't fair to him. It hurt him too much.

His mind was racing.

What if she was genuinely in trouble? But what if it's just another Adrien problem? What if she... needed me?

After a few seconds, he finally picked up the phone. If it was something stupid, he could just politely decline, right?

"Hello?" He said, practically emotionless.

"Luka! Hey!"

There they were again. The butterflies in his stomach, the warmth in his cheeks, the irresistible urge to smile. He couldn't rid himself of this feeling no matter how hard he tried. Even after weeks of not hearing her voice.

"You okay?" He asked, trying to sound as monotone as possible.

"W-well, I wanted to a-ask... if you wanted to- um..."

He found himself smiling already. It wasn't like her to stutter around him, she'd said that words came easy to her whenever she was around him. The only times she did stutter was when she was... nervous.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"If you wanted to go to a movie with me?" She blurted out.

This was definitely not what he'd expected. "Are Adrien and Kagami going too? Or your friends? I'm not really feeling like huge gatherings right now-"

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