The Dance - Marichat

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      Most of Marinette's time spent that day was moping in the classroom with her head down. Is he losing feelings for me? She thought. Why do I care anyway, I like ADRIEN. Right? Yes of course. "Dupain-Cheng!" She snapped out of it and looked to the front of the classroom. She heard quiet laughs coming from the students. "I asked a question!" Marinette sighed, "I'm sorry Ms. Mendeleiev, I wasn't paying attention." An outburst of laughter came from the students, Marinette got deeply red. Ms. Mendeleiev simply scoffed and continued with the lesson. I hate this class. Marinette thought. 

Marinette went over to Luka's place as usual but Luka, of course, noticed something that was off today. She walked in slumped with a frown. "What's wrong?" He said in a knowing voice. "Ugh is it that obvious?" She said putting her hands to her face. "Seriously, what's wrong Marinette?" She looked at him and sighed, "I can't tell you. As much as I'd like to, I can't." "Maybe you could briefly explain the problem to me?" She nodded, "Do you ever look at someone, in a different way knowing it's too late?" Luka frowned, "Yes, it's awful. But I had to overcome it as I did with most problems." Marinette tilted her head, "It's hard though." 

He smiled then reached into his bag, "I know, and that's why I have...this!" He held an invitation to a ball in his hands. Marinette rolled her eyes, she knew what that invitation was. She'd already been invited, as Ladybug of course. "I'm not going to that," Marinette said in a condescending tone. "Oh come on Marinette, it'll be fun!" "How?" "Um, because it's The Agreste Charity Ball? The thing everyone is going to? Even without an invite?" Marinette shook her head, "I'm still not going." Luka smirked, "Adrien will be there." Marinette's eyes widened. She hadn't even thought about it. Of course! Adrien! "So I see that I've convinced you?" Luka said proudly. Marinette laughed, "I guess you did. You're coming with me though right?" Luka scoffed, "I wouldn't miss Adrien drooling over you for the world." Marinette chortled, "Okay. Well, I guess I have to run early. I'm gonna go get ready." He smiled warmly and nodded. 

Marinette began daydreaming about how the night could go. What if I met Gabriel Agreste and we had a deep talk about fashion? Or what if I danced the night away with Adrien? What if he realized that he liked me back? She blushed at the thought and began swooning. Her mood was completely altered and she was actually excited about the dance. Once Marinette got home, she ran up to her room and chose what she wanted to wear. 

     Marinette arrived at the dance a bit late. But it was for a good reason. When she walked in Luka was, of course, waiting for her. He turned around and his jaw dropped. Marinette's hair was in a delicate bun with her side bangs still out. Her makeup was simple but gorgeous, the way the pink gloss on her lips and the dark eyeliner contrasted each other was superb. She wore a beautiful diamond necklace that centered with the neck of her dress perfectly. The dress was indescribable, the way the light hit the dress made the shadows look an almost pink color. The soft silk made the dress flow beautifully across the ballroom floor and the pastel colors made her dark hair look even more vibrant. The dress was mature yet youthful, it was so Marinette yet it felt like a different side of her, a side no one had ever seen before. 

"Who are you, and what have you done with Marinette?" Luka said still in awe. Marinette giggled, "I had this dress tailored for me a little while ago, I thought it'd be good for tonight." 'Uh, you think? Everyone was staring when you walked in. Adrien will be SORRY he ever rejected you." Marinette blushed, "Oh, stop." Luka laughed, "Well I'll leave you be, go mingle or something." He planted a kiss on Marinette's cheek and walked away. 

Marinette searched the floor for Adrien but couldn't find him. While searching she found Nino and Alya, all over each other as usual. She speed walked over to them, "Hey Alya, hey Nino." Alya turned around, "Hey Mari- Woah! Is that you?" Marinette chuckled, "Yes, it's me." "You look amazing Marinette, that dress suits you so well!" Alya said. "Yeah, you look great!" Nino added. Marinette smiled warmly, "Thank you. But have you happened to see Adrien anywhere?" Alya frowned. Nino sighed, "Adrien texted me a little while back letting me know he wasn't coming. He got in this huge fight with his dad and refused to come. I'm sorry, dude." Marinette's mood changed completely at that moment. She sighed, "Thanks anyway, guys." She walked off immediately almost teary eyed. 

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