Third Wheel - Adrienette

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        "S.O.S, THIS IS BRUTAL!" Marinette sighed looking at the message from Adrien on the phone. She wanted to help him get out of there, but she was already in enough trouble for sneaking off during the day to be Ladybug. This is Adrien! She thought. You have to help him! Marinette didn't even think about replying to the text. She was already opening the trap door to leave. She looked at her room before leaving and made a slightly pained face, "The stuff I do for him." She left the room and walked on top of the balcony. "Tikki spots-" Tikki flew out of her purse, "Not a chance Marinette. If you keep this up, it'll be impossible for you to defend Paris." Marinette pouted, "Please Tikki! Just this once, you know how much I love Adrien." Tikki sighed, "Fine." Marinette smiled fondly, "Tikki, Spots On!" 

"Spots off!" Marinette said in a soft voice. Tikki appeared next to Marinette, "Wow." "I know. It still surprises me to see how rich the Bourgeois' are. Now hide Tikki!" Tikki quickly hid in her purse. Marinette walked around the mansion, Marinette had only been to Chloe's house a few times, so Marinette didn't know the place very well. She looked at the main entrance hopelessly. There was a huge door at the front of the house but it was, of course, being guarded by security. She groaned and went around the mansion trying to look for a backdoor not being guarded. 

It felt as if she left the house for nothing until she saw an entrance. "Yes!" There was a huge backyard full of people, but it was a closed gate. It'd be no problem to jump the fence but it would be extremely suspicious. It didn't help that everyone looked formal and Marinette looked very casual. Marinette was deep in thought until she heard a high pitched, annoying voice. "Dupain-Cheng!?" Marinette cringed and turned around. "Hey, Chloe.." Marinette said in defeat. "And what are you doing here? Trying to sneak in because you didn't get invited?" Marinette scoffed, "As if I'd want to be around a bunch of snobby rich people." "Then why are you here?" Chloe asked with her arms crossed. Marinette wasn't going to tell her anything until she realized that she had no choice. It'd be better to tell her it was for Adrien then to just leave him here, Chloe also cares for Adrien. "I'm- I'm helping Adrien escape." Chloe's face softened, "Really?" Marinette nodded, "I'm the only one that can help him, considering the fact that I'm not supposed to be here. You know Gabriel, he'd never let him leave." Chloe frowned and faced the ground. "Come on Chloe. Please help me, for Adrien at least?" Chloe looked at Marinette and sighed. Chloe didn't want to admit that she had grown a soft spot for Marinette since the party she threw for Queen Bee. But she had, so with that, she took Marinette's hand. "Come on." 

Chloe lead her through the gate and through all the people, pretending Marinette was a guest. She took her to the inside of the mansion and scanned the area. "Adrien should be somewhere inside here, I left the gate open for you. Just find him and please leave fast." Marinette smiled, "Thank you, Chloe." "Whatever," Chloe said while walking off. 

Marinette kept a low profile and walked around searching for Adrien in the huge house. She looked around for about 2 minutes until she saw him in a corner. He was smiling and laughing, Marinette's face immediately lightened up when she saw him. She could then see Kagami next to him, laughing. She smiled, "Guess I'm also saving a friend." Marinette said quietly to herself. She walked up to him and waved. He turned to Marinette and smiled widely, "Oh my god, you actually came. Thank you so much, Marinette!" He immediately hugged her. Marinette blushed for a second but then hugged him back. When he pulled away from the hug, Kagami immediately hugged her, as if she knew Marinette was coming. "How did you manage to get in here?" Adrien asked. "You would never guess. Chloe helped me." Adrien's eyes widened, "Wow! How'd you convince her?" Marinette shrugged, "I guess I'm just that charming." Marinette said jokingly. Both Adrien and Kagami laughed. "Alright, well if we're gonna get out of here, we have to do it fast," Marinette said looking at the exit. "Right! Gabriel is kind of scary." Kagami said quietly. Adrien and Marinette both softly laughed as they moved towards the exit. "Okay come on!" They speed walked to the exit.

Marinette ran out of the house with the pair behind her. Slightly out of breath, she turned around and saw Kagami and Adrien both laughing. Marinette's face softened, seeing them both happy made her feel at peace. "Marinette, you're seriously the best," Adrien said grinning. Kagami nodded, "I knew you could pull it off." Marinette smiled, "Yeah, of course, anything for you two."

They all left the mansion in secret, and decided to have a little fun. They were all eating ice cream when Marinette suggested to go to the movies. Adrien nodded vigorously, "My dad hardly ever lets me watch anything." So it was decided, they were going to the movies.

It had been an hour and a half, and the movie was almost over. Marinette was enjoying it until she looked to her left. She saw Kagami's head, resting on Adrien's shoulder, she was passed out. Marinette looked down and saw Kagami's hand, intertwined with Adrien's. She frowned and looked down at her shoes. Marinette was having fun but she couldn't help but think that she was excluded from most of the banter between Adrien and Kagami. It wasn't their fault, Kagami spent much more time with Adrien than she ever had in the years that she's known him. She hadn't even realized that they had become so close since the Riposte incident. They looked so comfortable with each other, talking about things Marinette couldn't understand. She wished she was closer to Adrien, but with everything going on in her life and the fact that he was so oblivious to the fact that she liked him, it was difficult. Despite Kagami's advice to stop hesitating, there was always something telling her to do it anyway. Marinette cared deeply for the pair, and she knew she'd sacrifice her own happiness for them in an instant. She knew liking Adrien could harm their relationship and she didn't want that for them. Marinette felt a pain in her heart but she knew what she had to do.

"I'm uh, gonna head home." Marinette whispered. Adrien frowned, "Why?" "I snuck out without permission and my parents are probably ready to scream at me when I get home." Marinette smiled slightly and started to leave her seat. Adrien protested, "But-" "It's fine, Adrien." He was about to wake Kagami up when Marinette stopped him, "Don't. Tell her I left and that I'll text her later today. Okay?" Adrien sighed, "Thanks again Marinette." She nodded and left the theater. Adrien's smile faded as he watched Marinette walk away, thinking he had done something wrong. 

Marinette walked with her head down thinking about Adrien. "You okay, Marinette?" Tikki asked from her purse. Marinette nodded, "Yeah, I'll be fine Tikki. I just need to be alone with my thoughts." Tikki smiled and nodded. Marinette thought about her crush on Adrien and how long she's had it. 2 years she thought. I've been in love with him for 2 years. Only to make hardly any progress, and reject multiple guys who were actually interested in me. And that's when Marinette stopped in her tracks. "Luka!" She whispered quietly to herself. Marinette remembered that Luka was in love with her and that she never gave him a chance because of her love for Adrien. Even though she really liked him. Marinette smiled and stared into the sky, that's when she made the turn and went to Luka's boat. She finally let go. 

This was based off the synopsis of the episode 'Battle of the Miraculous'.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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