Kancy Liance's Story

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   Hey lovelies! So this story is basicly just how my character got to Earth since her kind was being killed off. This story was made with a deadline since I used it for a school project so it's poorly writen and I will be rewriting it soon. Either way I hope you enjoy and do tell if I messed anything up. On with the story!
(Picture of Kancy is not mine, just a commission I got from pip_a00 on instagram)

     It’s a nice cold and breezy night out here in the forest. I was on my way back to my hive after having a long walk. I sigh and take in the cold air, letting my hair down from my bun. The wind blows my black hair in all directions, mostly in my face. I close my eyes and smile. “Man it’s been a while since I’ve been in weather like this,” I say to myself with a sigh of contentment. My town is usually a really hot place and never gets any type of cold weather. That’s why I like taking walks out to the forest even though it’s almost 50 miles out. I sit down on the grass and try to relax. I cross my legs and clasp my hands together. My eyes shut and I take in the air. The wind feels nice, leaves start falling on me, the moon’s small light peaks through the trees. A small smile gets formed on my face. After a few minutes, I hear unusual noises in the trees. I stay cool and start to reach for my katana. I take it halfway out of the scabbard until I hear a familiar voice.

“Hey, there girl! Been a while since I’ve seen ya up here!” I put away my katana and turn around to see my friend, Aivras Azreni, hanging upside down from a tree. She flips herself over off the branch and lands on her feet. “What are you doing all the way out here Kan?” Aivras says with a goofy smile on her face. Aivras has been my friend ever since we were wrigglers. Back then she was this really quiet and insecure girl who wouldn’t talk to anyone. She had short black hair, beautiful teal eyes, and was 4,4. Nowadays, Aivras is this energetic, goofy but serious gal who likes to put herself in danger. She now has long hair that could touch the ground dyed with streaks of light teal in it. Usually, she puts it up in space buns with some of her hair being down but it only reaches her shoulders. She’s now 5,6 and sometimes likes wearing different colors of contacts. I stand up and turn to face her.

    “Eh, frankly I haven’t been up here in a very long time so I thought I’d come up here to get some peace. You know how chaotic my town could be, I kind of wish I could live here in your town.” I say with a sigh. The town that’s in the forest is spread out. It was nice considering how my place was, though I have heard how lonely it can get sometimes.

   “Well I’d offer you a stay at my place but there isn’t much space in there anyway,” Aivras says scratching the back of her neck. That’s the other thing, the hives in the forest are usually just one room. They’re mostly up in trees so the space is limited and the only way to get up and down is to, well, climb. It’s mostly the reason why you see teal bloods living in the forest, their lusii are either small enough to fit through the door of the hive, they climb well, or they can fly. Whereas mine would probably have to be tied down at the bottom of the hive as it is none of those things. Also, it’s already hard enough to live with her in the size of my hive, being in a smaller space would only make her mad and drive me crazy. Aivras and I just stand there in a bit of awkward silence, nothing but the sound of the whistle of the wind. I start walking around for a bit with Aivras trailing behind.

    “So...What have you been up to lately?” Aivras asks awkwardly. She’s never really one to start small talk, she might be confident in many ways but she still has severe social anxiety. I smile at her and chuckle a bit. We start talking and goofing around while we walk around the forest. We stop by a small pond that’s close to Aivras’s hive. We sit down and dip our feet in the water. Aivras’s lusus, Feisal, jumps out of the pond, splashing us both with water. I groan and hear Aivras laughing. I was about to splash more water on her but I heard my palmhusk go off. I pull it out to see who messaged me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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