Sofrea xxxxx

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Sofrea xxxxxx:
Age: 17 years or 8 sweeps
Gender: female
Wriggling/birthday: October 29th
Sign: Scorrius
Species: troll
Blood color: blue
Strife weapon: scorpion tail sword
Lusus: a giant Frilled Lizard
Handle: TenderAssassin
Typing Quirk: y=¥ a=@
Aspect: Mage of Hope

Looks: Sofrea has long midnight blue hair that goes down to her waist. She likes to have most of her hair parted on the left side of her. This is so she can have hair covering her eye. Her eyes are a very dark blue that looks like black. She has a very, very light shade of grey for skin. Her left horn goes straight into a point while the right goes up and slants to the side. Sofrea wears a baggy sweater that has her sign in the middle of it. It is a dark gray color. The neck, wrists, and bottom of the whole sweater is a light blueish grey. She wears black jeans that is ripped at the knees and small tears at the thighs. She likes to wear black and white combat boots. Whenever Sofrea has to go outdoors, she would wear a dark purple cloak that covers her whole body and face.

Likes: Being alone, her lusus, hanging out with her Morail, reading, saving/helping others, being mysterious, gaming with others, drawing and writing.

Dislikes: being outside, people, killing, getting wet, energetic people, people who are narcissistic, not being able to talk to someone.

Personality: Sofrea is a nice quiet girl who likes to stay hidden. The only time she gets energetic is when she's alone at night. When she's around people who she is comfortable with she would get a bit bossy with them, only because she herself doesn't like getting bossed after what had happened to her years ago. She has very bad anger issues so she'd easily get ticked off by the smallest things. She also has trust issues. The people she calls friends are people who she hangs out with but she doesn't consider them trustworthy, only a few friends she truly trusts.

Other: When Sofrea was a young troll- more like a teenage for humans and young for trolls- she would go out and start killing people for she had a position of an assassin. If she didn't, her blood will spill across the floor of her masters hive. If she injured the target then she would live but still get hurt really bad.

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