Kancy Liance

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Kancy Liance:
Age: 19 years or 9 sweeps old
Gender: female
Wriggling/birthday: July 18
Sign: Camini ( A Cancer and Gemini mix)
Species: troll ( the troll from Homestuck)
Blood color: Lime
Strife weapon: two katanas
Lusus: A giant Japanese Spider Crab
Handle: FedupCrab
Typing quirk: i's = ! !'s = i
Aspect: Maid of Doom

Looks: Kancy has long hair that goes down to her knees. Her hair is all black until it gets to her shoulders, the rest is a very light shade of green. She has jade green ireses and yellow sclera. She has light grey skin. Her horns look like katana blades that stand high on her head. Her ear pokes through her hair. A light green earing dangles from it. Her normal wear is a turtle neck that is black with a lime green circle in the middle. This circle contains her zodiac sign in it. The turtle neck has holes on the shoulders and elbows. Normally Kancy would wear navy blue jeans but sometimes she would wear black leggings. She likes wearing bright red boots but when she doesn't feel like wearing them, she would wear black tennis shoes.

Likes: Art, the outdoors, the human world, fighting, cool weapons, deserts, sour food, spicy food, video games, mistery stories, famous serial killers, anime, human TV shows, reading, shipping, roleplay, adventures, music, writing, animals.

Dislikes: Being shorter than other people, people who act annoying on purpose, people who critizizes the things she likes, people who are mean to her friends, people who are dishonest, people who crave attention from everyone, getting stuck in awkward conversations, getting stuck in small spaces with people, crowds, seeing animals get hurt, people picking on others, being lonely, when it is quiet.

Personality: Kancy is a very layed back kind of person. She is very kind even if some say differently. Yes, she can be aggresive at times but being aggresive doesn't always mean you're a bad person. Kancy is also very responsible. But even though she is responsible, she still seems to be a trouble maker. Kancy likes to she herself as a leader. This can sometimes make her a bit bossy. As Kancy puts herself as a leader, she is always stressed. The stress sometimes gets to her, making her very rude at these times. Kancy doesn't like being rude so she would always keep to herself. Her thoughts, feelings, emotions, everything. The only time she would say these things is when she's alone in her room, starring at a picture of her ancestor. Or when she is alone with her morail.

Others: This female troll was made for me to roleplay as. She is exactly like me, other than the fact that she is a type of Cancer and I'm a Scorpio. Kancys best friend or morail is Anson Kanip, a character made by my closest friend so she can RP with me.

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