Da ich nichts besseres zu tun hatte, existiert dieser Anime Tag jetzt:
1. First anime you ever watched?
2. First anime crush?
3. Current favorite anime character?
4. A popular anime you didn't like?
5. Anime character you can relate to?
6. Favorite anime side character?
7. Anime you didn't expect to like?
8. Underrated anime?
9. Saddest anime you've ever watched?
10. Favorite anime ship(s)?
11. Anime that made you cry?
12. Anime you would recommend to someone who's never wachted anime?
13. Manga you finished?
14. Anime you plan on watching?
15. Anime you never get tired of?
16. Favorite anime OP/ED?
17. Biggest anime crush?
18. Anime that deserves another season?
19. Worst anime you've watched?
20. When and how did you start watching anime?
21. Worst anime ship(s)?
22. Favorite genre in anime?
23. Anime you dropped and why?
24. Have you ever watched an anime because of one specific character?
25. Name an anime character you absolutely hate.
26. An anime that took you way too long to watch?
27. Tag 5 or more people who watch anime.
Offiziell tagge ich:
Isis4UisgaycausemomoUnd sonst noch jeden, der Lust darauf hat.