Run for your life

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   The next morning you woke up and sighed.

Ever since her death you've just felt... empty. You can't seem to pull yourself together, your guilt is taking a toll on you. You've been eating less, sleeping more, and doing nothing. You're unmotivated and depressed.

Today you decide to go out for groceries. You need some fresh air, and getting groceries is the perfect excuse.

You throw on a plain black tee shirt and some jeans, along with a black jacket that has a frowny face on the back. You pull your hood up as head out the door. After a 10 minute walk you arrive at a small grocery store. You get things like milk, cereal, apples, and bread. Once you gather your food for the next couple of weeks you head to the checkout counter.

"Hello! How are you doing today?" The worker asks with a plastered on smile,

"Fine, how about you?" You respond, pulling out your wallet.

They finish scanning everything and say, "I'm doing well, that'll be $30.67! Cash or card?" You show the worker your credit card, and slide it into the device, soon after taking it back out. You put it back into your wallet and grab your bags. You begin walking to the exit.

"Have a good day!" The worker calls out,

"You too." You reply as you exit the store. You walk onto the sidewalk as you begin your journey back to your apartment. It was morning and the sidewalks were mostly unoccupied, people rarely came out at this time. The sky was cloudy but the air was humid. The air felt thick and your clothes were sticking to your skin. It was not pleasant.

You look up to the cloudy sky with a blank expression. You feel empty, and life feels meaningless. Life is boring and sad. Two things you do not enjoy.

Your thoughts are suddenly interrupted.


A scream cuts through the air and makes you jump. You turn your body towards the direction of the scream and look for the source. You realize that you are standing right next to a dingy, dark, and unsettling alleyway. You shudder as you step closer.

Inside the alley you see a woman being held against the wall by a man. You instantly reach for your phone, only to notice that you've left it at home. The woman is shaking and crying, clawing at the man. The man doesn't notice you, instead he grabs a knife out of his pocket and brings it to the woman's throat with a giggle.

"Hey!" You yell at the man, you weren't about to let this bastard stab this poor woman. The man looks at you, making eye contact, and pushes the knife through the woman's throat. She stops moving, and beings to choke on her own blood as she attempts to breath. She soon falls to the ground with a thud. The man grins as you look at him with horror.


You back away from the man, and book it. The man's smile widens as he chases after you. You dash through the near empty streets, running left and then right, back into an alleyway. You crouch behind some trash cans and a few trash bags. The man runs into the alleyway, stops, and continues running through it. Right past you. You let out a sigh of relief once he runs out of the alleyway.

You exit the alley the way you came in and head back to your apartment, constantly looking over your shoulder. You eventually return to your apartment, you may have lost a few items along the way, but that didn't matter now. You had just witnessed a murder.

You drop your bags and run to your bedroom. You grab your phone and dial 911.

This is going to be a mess.

[OLD] Sympathy's Downfall (JTK x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now