Fake my own death

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    Before you could fall to your death, the man's hand latched around your ankle. Your body fell on a glass shard in the window, causing the left side of your body to explode with pain. You screamed in agony as tears ran down your face.

"Shit!" The man yelled as he moved closer. You attempted to lift yourself off of the glass, but you were becoming dizzy. You couldn't get up, and the man was preventing you from falling. Your vision became blurry and your head hurt. You soon fainted.

You opened your eyes and hissed in pain. You slowly sat up, your side stinging. Where were you? You were now in what looked to be a cabin. The walls were made from dark logs and the floor was wooden. After a moment of looking around the room, the door opened. It was the man.

"You're a fucking idiot ya know." The man crossed his arms and glared at you as he stepped into the room. You furrowed your brows, why did he save you? He could have easily stabbed you while you were wounded, so why didn't he?

"...Why am I here?" You asked him, promptly making eye contact. The man cracked a smile before responding,

"Killin you woulda been too easy. It's no fun if you fall down and can't move." You stared at him in disbelief,

"So what now?"

"I'm gonna let you heal. Once you're fine, I'll give you a chance to run. Then I'll hunt you down, and kill you." He explained with a mocking smile. You shivered and crossed your arms.

"And what if you don't catch me?" You questioned with defiance. The man smirked and looked back at you,

"Well I'll just find you like I always do," He stepped forward, "No matter how far you run, no matter how well you hide, I will find you." He began to giggle as his smile stretched, "You can't escape me."

Your eyes widened as you instinctively moved away. Your side throbbed due to your movement, causing you to squeeze your eyes shut.

"Shit!" You growled, tears rimming your eyes. You weren't sure how deep the cut was, but it was obviously pretty bad. The man sighed and moved closer,

"Stop moving. You're just gonna open it back up."

You did what he said, and gently held your side in pain. Once the man was next to you, he grabbed you and tried to make you lay back down. You pushed his hands away, to which he stopped and growled,

"I need to check your god damn bandages, stop being so fucking dramatic."

You huffed at this, but laid down and let him help. He lifted up your shirt to reveal bandages covering your lower torso. The bandages were now covered in blood. The man sighed once again and slowly lifted you back up, making you sit.

"Turn around." He ordered. You obeyed and felt his hands begin to unwrap the bandages. His hands were cold, and the contact made you shiver.

Soon enough, the bandages were undone, and the dressing was taken off. The man walked out of the room and returned with a cup, bandages, dressing, and a few towels. The man wiped off both dried and fresh blood with a damp washcloth. He then cleaned the wound with a wet one, and lastly redressed it. The cut hurt like a bitch, but it was better. You yanked you shirt back into place and laid back down.

"Thanks, I guess." You mumbled to the man, he nodded in response before taking the objects and leaving the room.

He returned after a few minutes, now holding a bowl of cereal. He handed it to you, gaining a nod of acknowledgment. You looked into the bowl, it was dry cereal, and without a spoon, but at least he was feeding you. You grabbed a hand full of the cereal and brought it to your mouth. It tasted faintly of cardboard, which told you it was most likely expired. Wonderful.

Once you began eating, the man headed out of the room. Before he was out the door he stopped,

"By the way, my name is Jeff." He then walked out of the room. Great, now if you ever escaped this place you could give the cops a name. Hopefully they'd actually believe you this time. You sighed and continued eating your food. After a few minutes you were done, you set the bowl on the nightstand and fell back. You sighed and rubbed your eyes.

What a fucking shit show.

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