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     You woke up to a pounding headache and stinging in your side. Opening your eyes, you were in a large, dark, and old-looking room. The walls were dark red with wooden trimming, and in the corners of the room, dust had gathered over what looked like years. The floor was cold dark wood and void of a carpet or rug. Sitting up and holding your head, the room smelt faintly like blood and pine trees. The room was empty other than a mattress you had been sleeping next to, and the window was barred.

Where were you? Where was Jeff? Those men had found you, and now you were in an unfamiliar place. You weren't chained or tied to anything though, movement was possible, but you couldn't do much. You yawned and got to your feet before trying the door. Of course, it was locked. You huffed and looked around the room for anything that could help. There was nothing. No vents, no hair clips or coins. Escape was unlikely. You walked over to the mattress and laid down. A dull ache spread through your body, you had definitely gained a few bruises from the crash.

The day passed, and you spent most of it sleeping. No one came in, and you heard nothing. As far as you knew you were alone. Outside the window was a large forest filled with life, yet not the kind you needed.

You hope that Jeff is okay, wherever he is. It looked like he hit his head pretty hard on the steering wheel. You hope that it looked worse than it actually was. You sighed and stared up at the ceiling. Your thoughts were just as empty as the room. Once again, you were in a powerless position. Nowhere to go, no one to help you. You were alone and defenseless yet again. This time though, Jeff wasn't in control, which could either help your odds or lessen them.

You had little information on the men that took you other than the fact that they can't die, or at least it takes a lot to kill them. The only thing you had gotten out of Jeff was that they were basically immortal, and so was their boss. Apparently, some supernatural beings existed, and you happened to catch the attention of one. You honestly had no clue why. Was it because you had evaded Jeff so many times? He did seem to have some sort of tie to this strange organization. That led you to a scary thought, what if he was helping them? He had stated before that he didn't like these people, but maybe he had given in.

Or maybe this was just one big plan to gain your trust and then stomp on it. You hoped not. You did care for Jeff, but you had no idea if he felt the same. He was very distant and seemed to enjoy insulting you in various ways. Mysteries clouded the situation, and you had no answers to your questions.

Nothing made sense, nothing. Their boss being immortal sounded like a load of bullshit. But you had nothing else to go on. Your information was limited, and maybe even false. After many hours of thinking, you eventually fell asleep.


Much to your dismay, days had passed and you were without food, water, or interaction. Then you heard footsteps. You strained your ears to listen and found that whoever it was was indeed approaching your room. You quickly sat up and waited.

The masked man and the hooded man walked into the room. You gulped back your fear and stared up at them. The hooded one tossed a granola bar at you, and you immediately began eating it. If it's poisoned, it's poisoned. Oh well.

"You are going to begin training in order to work for the boss. If you resist, you die. If you disobey orders, you die. You will cooperate, or you will be disposed of." The masked one explained in a less than emotionless voice. You nodded slowly and placed the empty granola bar wrapper next to you. The hooded one stepped forward and grabbed your arm. The masked one walked out of the room and the other dragged you along. You said nothing as you did your best to keep their pace.

They led you to a basement where the hooded one pushed you down the stairs. You shrieked as you collided with each step and eventually the floor. You groaned in pain before the basement door slammed shut and you were left alone in the darkness. And here you thought things couldn't get worse. You crawled around the room, looking for anything of use, whether it be sustenance or something to cover yourself. The air was cold, and so was the floor. You shivered as you eventually found a towel. You wrapped it around your shoulders and curled into a corner. You don't know what's going on, but you hope it ends soon.


In a different part of the house is Jeff. He's chained to the wall, and blood is caked all over his skin. His eyes are cold and lifeless, and the lack of sound in the room is deafening, not as deafening as the static though.

The booming, voiceless noise floods back into his ears as he hangs from the wall. He can't hear his thoughts, and his throat is so dry it feels as if his skin is cracking. Dehydration and screaming took away his ability to speak, so the only noise he can muster is a painful grunt. Everything hurts, and his mind is numb. But that's what the boss wants. The boss is molding him back into the way he should be. Obedience allowed him survival, and it can easily be taken away. Not now though. Jeff is useful to the boss when he cooperates. He's a strong fighter, and very good at physical tasks. If his mind can be formed back to the way it used to be, he'll once again become an asset. 

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