Murder me

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You woke up to a 'BANG' on your window. You jumped awake and ran over to the noise. The bookshelf was still intact, but you could see outside from a crack where the shelf did not cover the window. It seemed to be early in the morning since the sky was still dark. From the crack, you saw the serial killer from before. He looked very pissed off. The man seemed to have noticed the crack as well and peered in at you. When he did this, you decided to flip him off. In response he punched the window, resulting in an even louder 'BANG'.

Eventually the man retreated. Apparently, he didn't expect you to try and protect yourself. You sighed in relief before returning to your beloved couch. You sat down and stared at the wall. You decided that you really needed a game plan. If you wanted to get out of this, you were going to need to get away from here. You needed to move out of this apartment, but that would take a decent amount of time, and you weren't sure how much of that you had.

This apartment had a lot of memories attached to it, some good, but now mostly bad. Your friend had died here, and now you were being stalked by a murderer. Part of you wanted to stay here, to remember her, but right now you needed to prioritize yourself. You needed to get out of here, and you needed to do it fast. In the span of around five hours, you packed up a few suitcases and ran down to a nearby Verizon store. After a few hours you received a new phone, and your plan could progress. Once you returned to your apartment you locked the door, set up your phone, and called your parents. You first explained that you had gotten a new phone, and this was your number from now on. You then told them that it hurt too much to stay here, and that you needed to move out. It wasn't completely a lie, it did have some truth to it, but you couldn't tell them the main reason you needed to move. They said that they'd handle it, and you'd be able to move into a new apartment in about a week.

That meant that you needed to evade the smiling killer for seven days. Your barricade was working so far, but you weren't sure how long it'd last. You needed to make this as difficult as you possibly could for him. He was not going to get to you before the seven days, and after that you'd be free. Where you were now, was a good 30 minute walk from school. You asked your parents for it to be the same distance, but on the other side. Once you moved, it would be a lot harder for him to find you. If you succeeded at moving away, maybe you'd actually escape. Of course that was wishful thinking though, you were sure that if the man wanted to, he could find you again. You just had to make sure that that wasn't going to happen.

You had survived him twice, and you were sure that you could do it again. You grabbed the remote and turned on the television. You walked over to the closet and pulled out a bunch of cardboard boxes. You unfolded them and began gathering things and putting them into the boxes. After filling and sealing around five, you sat on the couch and leaned your head back.

You're still scared shitless, but you have a good idea of what you need to do. The man hadn't figured out how to get through your barricade yet, so if he wanted to get in, he'd have to come through your front door. Now that you thought about it, that was a very possible scenario.

You shook your head and pushed away thoughts of paranoia. You needed to stay strong through this if you wanted to escape. You had seven days until you would be free from his clutches. Hopefully. You'd only be free if he didn't find you again, but you had enough confidence that he wouldn't. All you needed to do once you moved, was be careful. You'd probably cut your hair and try to stay out of sight, just blend in with the crowd. If you managed to do everything correctly, you'd get away. If you didn't, well, something terrible would happen to you.

For these seven days, you weren't going to leave your apartment. You weren't going to order food. You weren't going to let anyone in. You were going to isolate yourself to ensure your safety. Your parents were going to get you the apartment, all you had to do was pack. There was no reason for you to leave, so you wouldn't. If you did leave, you'd be in danger. That man could be anywhere, and you certainly weren't prepared to be attacked in a grocery store.

You sighed and tried to pay attention to your television show. Unfortunately, he came back. He wasn't going to get in though. Your window was locked. You also took some extra measures as well. You layered duct tape on the window, only leaving a little space for you to look out. Along with that, you had also decided to place a table in front of the shelf along with all of your packed boxes so far. That barricade was sturdy as hell, and that jackass was not going to budge it.

You smirked in satisfaction as you heard the man bang on, kick, and punch the window. He was not having a good time, but you certainly were. He kept on, for a good hour. Eventually though, he gave one last hit, and gave up. You were very appreciative towards your bulletproof/ serial killer proof windows. Like you said, he wasn't getting in unless he came through the front door.


Oh fuck.

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