A Promise Worth Keeping

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The sun basked onto the afternoon heavens, enshrouding everything into an orange sea, light yellow, orange and red colored clouds enshrouded the entire view of the ocean's horizons, as the setting sun slowly descend onto it's edge, a gentle cool evening breeze whistled pass just above the ocean surface, sending a warm yet tranquil sensation to the ones who embraced and inhaled it, calming both of their mind and spirits. Countless of beaming lights pierce through the horizons edge, illuminating the ocean surface with it's dazzling glow, golden prism-like colors shimmered on the water's surface, sparkling onto each rising and falling waves, a scene that was once believe to be only seen in fairy tales.

Meanwhile at the Paw Patrol lookout, three certain pups where playing at their large yard, playing with their toys, playing tag, catching the fresh scent of the afternoon sky, it was obvious that the three were enjoying their youth as pups, while having fun, unaware that a young spiked hair boy has been spectating their fun, with an amused expression. Change has occured rather quickly for Ryder and the shepperd, for it has only been a few months since they've met the dalmatian pup, yet two more pups came to their life once more, a cockapoo, who had the potential to be an aviator, and a chocolate lab, who had the potential to be a diver, there, the boy had thought of forming his own rescue team, using the unique talents each of his pup's possessed.

As time continues to pass by, the young cockapoo and the lab got along just well with Chase and Ryder, unfortunately for them, only one heart still remained closed, barely talking to the other pups, only shooting a smile then leaving, and barely interacting with the other members including their leader, for this pup was the dal, despite being the second pup in the team, Marshall was still having a hard time conversing conversations with the other pups, and choosing to distance himself with the others, including the pup that found him, Chase.

"I'm gonna catch you dude!" warned the lab, now chasing the shepperd, only to earn a playful huff, "You'll have to do better than that Zuma." teased the shepperd, realizing that he had taken quite a distance from the lab, witnessing the lab panting, laying his browm figure on the grass, "No faiwr dude! You're just too fast!" Zuma complaint, earning numerous chuckles from the two, before regaining his posture, "Change of tawrgets!" yelped the lab, before running towards the cockapoo at full pelt.

"Skye! Watch out!" Chase warned, to his dismay the lab succesfully tag the cockapoo, but only to collide with her as both of them stumbled upon the grass, "Tag! You're.... it?" Zuma said, sounding a bit embarrassed, earning a laugh from the other two once again, "Good game Zuma." Skye replied, standing up in all fours, "Phew! I'm thirsty, I'm gonna head back to the lookout now, maybe it's time if we should call it a a day." she added, earning numerous nods from Zuma and Chase, "Me too! I'm tiiirreed!" complaint the lab in a sluggish tone, following Skye as they head towards the lookout.

The cockapoo turned her gaze at her back, noticing that the shepperd wasn't following and was turning his head from all sorts of direction, "Erm.. Chase, aren't you coming?" Skye asked out of her curiosity. The shepperd shook his head no, "No.. you go on ahead.. I still need to find someone," he responded, causing both of Zuma and Skye to look at each other with an -I know- expression, "It's Mawshall huh?" inquired the lab, earning a brief nod from the shepperd, baring a slight smile, "You weally care about him, huh Chase dude?" Zuma added, "Of course! Ever since he joined the team his been like a brother to me." Chase proudly responded, earning a satisfied expression from the two, "Well then, see you later Chase." said the cockapoo, as the both of them had started to head back to the lookout tower, leaving the shepperd in his spot.

As the two pups had competely disappeared from the shepperd's sight, Chase placed his nose onto the grassy floor, in an attempt to catch the dal's scent, motioning his nose in different areas of their yard, "Now if I were a spotted dalmatian... where would I be?'' he mumbled, continuing his search for the dal, filling his nose with different aromas, catching the smells of numerous items, toys, grass, waters, and the smell that he hated the most, the stinky soaks, until, in just a split second, a certain scent, finally caught the shepperd's nose, the scent that his been looking for, and he knows it belonged to none other than a certain dal, Marshall, causing the shepperd to be determined in finding him.

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