Never Be The Same

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"Go Everest!You're close to beating Zuma's high score!"yelled Skye,cheering for her bestfriend who was having a one on one combat on Pup Pup Boggie with Zuma,the lab.The lab looks rather confused and intimidated,glancing at his opponent,"How can you be this good,dude?!"he complaint,completely breaking a sweat,

"It was worth taking those practices with Skye,"she replied,remebering how sadistic,scary and strict Skye was in her training,seeing this new feature of Skye,made her shudder,but not in a negative but a playful way,"I don't want to go through that again,"she mumbled,making the other three boys slightly scared and suprised,widening their eyes as they look at Skye,who was smiling like an angel,and it seems like she was glowing,giving a radiance of hope,but to Everest,she knows what that means.

Chase parked his vehicle in the sides of the lookout,opposite to where Marshall was,he hurried his action.His been planning on approaching his bestfriend,wanting to make small converstaions like they used to,it's been bugging his mind lately,a part of him really wanted to talk to the dal,and the other part of him don't know the reason why.He ran towards the direction of the dal's parking space,but to his dismay,he wasn't there,which made his body slightly weak.

Making his way towards the lookout,shaking his fur before entering the lookout doorway,he eyes was meet with five pups playing in the lookout playroom,scanning the room in sight of the dal,'Maybe,his with Ryder,' he thought,a small figure suddenly appeared in front of him,"Chase?",she spoke,suprising him,making him flinch,"Ahh!Oh Skye,sorry I didn't see you there,my bad,hehe,"he said,laughing awkwardly,making the little pup confused.

"Ok,anyway,Chase,I have some bad news,"Chase became worried,wondering what the bad news is,"What is it?"he ask,Skye sigh,"Due to the bad stormy weather,I'm afraid....we have to cancel our picnic,"she stated sadness was in his tone,the shepperd gave the cockappo comfort,resting his maw on top of the pups little head,"Don't worry,I'm sure tomorrow will be a sunny day,"he assured making the little pup smile,going back to her cheerful self.

"I hope so,come-on let's watch Everest beat Zuma in pup pup boogie,"she said,before landing a kiss on Chase's cheeck,making the both of them produce a small scarlet hue.The two of them proceeded to the playroom,sitting beside each other in a flower and a simple shaped pillow,one for Chase,one for Skye, as they watch the lab and husky fight for their title as the pup pup boogie champion.

"Gooo,Everest!"cheered,the shepperd and cockapoo,defending the husky's side,

"Gooo,Zuma!"cheered the other two pups,the bulldog and the mix,defending the lab's side.

The two competitors went on and on,fighting till the end as if their life depends on it,hopping front paw left,moving back paws right,dancing to their souls out,the group was just sitting in their pillows, laughing and cheering at the two pups,unnoticed,the elevator had recently descended from the top floor,everyone hadn't heard the ding of the elevator,everyone besides a certain pup,twitching his ears of the sound,he immediately stood up in all fours.The dal slowly walks out of the elevator with a sweet smile on his face,walking with his eyes close,followed by a small yawn,expressing that his rather sleepy or tired.

"Marshall!"yelled a familliar voice from afar,the dal turned his head towards the voice,seeing the shepperd running towards him,smiling,"Are you still busy?"he ask,approaching the dal,finally reaching him,standing in a distance good enough for them to talk.Confusion suddenly filled Marshall's heart,and confusion enshrouded his mind,' he talking to me?' he thought.The dal remained silent,oddly looking ay the shepperd,feeling really uncomfortable, "Skye and I decided to move the schedule of our picnic...since it's raining really hard....and I was...wondering if,you know....we could hang watch a movie of Apollo The Super Pup or something simple like play pup pup we used to."he explained,rather in a sincere voice,hoping he could get the answer his expecting.

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