Mr. HaterYou continue to prove once again why you are a hypocrite. I mean narcissistic? Me? Hah, look who's talking, kid. I mean, what's this about a "Mr. Wasp"? Are you seriously gonna resort to name calling now, Mr. Hypocrite? How old are you? Also stop with the excuses, this has nothing to do with "college" and you know it.
It takes one to know one, and yet you keep proving time and time again you are one, Mr. Hypocrite. ThAt's juSt a FaCt oF liFe.
Oh, I think I'm doing more than just annoying you if I'm "serving you" as "your daily entertainment" Mr. Hypocrite. I'm the highlight of your life.
So you are also indifferent Mr. Hypocrite? Great now you're a hypocritical, narcissistic, self centered, entitled and INDIFFERENT manchild. Also back with the "no one cares" comment? Are you seriously gonna resort on others now to flat up your pathetic ego more? That's right! Where are you buddies when you need them? "DeFeND mE gUyS WhErE aRe yOU??"
Highlight of my life? You're not one of my many books or literature, so I'm afraid that statement is false. Nice try though. Try again.
Mr. Hater
Yes, highlight of your life. You're too much of an uneducated, hypocritical, narcissistic, self centered, entitled and indifferent manchild to read any books or literature, Mr. Hypocrite. I'm afraid that statement is false. Nice try though.
Journey to the West. Mark of the Dragonfly. Champion. I have read many books. Your ego is just so horrifically bloated that you refuse to believe anything that contradicts your self centered view of reality. It would be sad if it wasn't so funny to see you make a complete and utter fool of yourself, but I'm not going to stop you. The only one who looks bad here is you, little germ. Also, do you really need to be a jerk to everyone else in this comment? You are not doing any favors for yourself, little germ.
Mr. Hater
"Your ego is just so horrifically bloated" Look who's talking. And then you wonder why I call you a hypocrite. "Self centered view." Look who's talking. It's amazing how you can make everything that comes out of your mouth sound as hypocritical as possible. Who do you see me being a jerk to other than your hypocritical self? If I responded to someone in a bad way it's because they probably said something stupid to begin with, so you're not doing yourself any favors by asking little hypocrite or do you need someone to defend you?
Of course I know that you are just going to respond with more insults, so please by all means, scream your head off at me on the INTERNET, so that I can just laugh at your attempts to hurt my feelings.
Mr. Hater
You are a very flawed man, Dave. What would your parents think after seeing the way you act? Why keep fighting me if you know you're not gonna win anyway? Why be indifferent and not apologize for your own mistakes? I tried to work with you and you blew it then you wonder why you keep getting "screamed at" when in truth you're a terrible person.
There is a difference between being a terrible person, and acting like one to others. You, sir, are the latter. Or have you forgotten how you acted to the others? Also you completely ignored what I said to you.
The Angriest Comment Thread On YouTube (full transcript)
De TodoSpectacular Finale Paper Mario Sticker Star Music Extended HD. In this video, someone innocently left a reply stating that this was their favourite song in the franchise. What happened next was what could best be described as a war. The original vid...