What Are You Doing Here

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Yes, she had hear all her history from the queen lips. Now she understand even better  why people hate her so much. She should be death, she thought.
Angella just looked that eyes, the woman  looked trouble.
"I need" - The black long hair said, and then she stopped herself because even she  didnt know what she needed.
"What do you need?"-Angella said with a soft voice.
"I dont know" - She said and covered her face with her hands.
"I think you need rest" - The Queen said putting in her feet walking in The woman direction.
Angella tucked her very carefully, she didnt understand what was happening with herself but this woman looked confuse, alone ¿Maybe this was the real Shadow Weaver hiding all her vulnerabilities behind the red Mask?
She had nightmires all night a long. When she woke up, she meet with this beautiful pinks eyes ¿Oh did she think Angella eyes are beautiful?. ¿Was the queen taking care of her while she was struggling with bad dreams?
"¿How are you feeling? - The queen asked.
" Better, thank you"-She answered all face blushed and Angella could noticed.
-"There is someone who want to see you" - Adora entered to the room. The girl looked weird,  scare and there was some curious in her eyes.
-"You most be Adora" - Shadow Weaver said, even her voice sounded different, softer...the blonde girl thought. Then the former socceress saw another girl... Catra who hug her without hesitation and the green eyes woman hug her back, yes with hesitation but she did it.
After that Catra realized the woman really has lose her memories, the old Shadow Weaver would never had showed affection to anyone, at least not real affection and this hug felt real.
-"You dont really remember us dont you? "
-"I m afraid I dont remember anything"
-"¿Why did you sacrificed for us?"
-"I... dont know... I m sorry"
-"I m glad you survived" - Adora said and then continued and her expresion hardened -"But you have to understand you, the old you, had damaged us a lot".
Adora left the room and Catra too.
"Just give them some time" - Angella said trying to confort the woman but why?
-"If I m the person you said I cant blame them" - Shadow Weaver  hands were trembling, she had grabbed the sheets, was an uncuncious thing but Angella could noticed. There was some stress pictured in The woman factions.
-"I brougt us some tea" - Shadow Weaver looked her  and her expresión softener, Angella was lost in The other woman eyes.
-"Thank you" - She said, she noticed Angella staring-¿Its there something wrong? Shadow Weaver touched her own face, she looked ashamed as if her scarred face was the reason why the queen was looking her with deeply eyes.
-"I know its most be hard look at me..."
-"No, I m sorry there is nothing wrong with you I just was thinking a way to bring your memories back".
-"I think I dont want them back"
-"What? Why?"
-"Its better this way maybe"
-"Thank you" - Angella never thought she would listened that words from this woman.
-"You are looking after me and I appreciatted"
-"You are welcome" - The blushed queen said in that moment the Door was opened.
-"Angella what are you doing here?

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