First Date

415 10 48

Pure beauty^^^So this is going to be necessary for the story so keep in mind their heights otherwise somethings won't make sense.

Katsuki: 5'9

Izuku: 6ft

Ejirou: 6'2

First date:

Kirishima was getting ready for his date with the other two people he cared most about. After having feelings for them both since end of second year he had worked up the courage to ask them both out. To which they had both said yes. He felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Because the two people he liked had been in a relationship for about a year and a half now and he hadn't thought they would want him to join. But they did and today was their first date all together.

"Fuck what should I wear. I don't have anything I like or think they will like- shit I need to call Ashido."

He stopped throwing his clothes all over the place and rushed over towards his phone which he had tossed onto his bed in his excitement as soon as he had entered the room. He quickly turned it on and called her to which she answered almost immediately.

Hey. Watcha up to now? You need something?

"I'mgoingonadateandIdon'tknowwhattowear." He breathes out in one long breath of air. Then he flops onto his back on the bed.

What? Slow the fuck down seriously I can't tell what your saying.

He takes in a deep breath calming himself and then sits up speaking slowly. "I'm, going, on, a date, and, don't, know, what, to, wear." It's silent for a second and then he holds the phone away from his ear for his own protection as inhumanly high squeals emit from the phone.

"Oh. My. Gawd. AHHHH. DATE DRESS UP TIME. Who is with? Is one of your crushes did you finally manage to pluck up the courage and stop being a little pussy about your feelings? You know after like 2 years after graduation? " When Kirishima doesn't reply and instead blushes(not that she can see) she squeals again.

"Oh my god IT IS!! Omgomgomgomgomgomg. This is amazing which one did you ask out? Is the other okay with it since they're already dating? Omg you know what fuck it im coming over. I can't wait to-

"Ashido" Kirishima cuts in his ears feeling like there going to bleed out. "breath, seriously you seem more excited for this date than I am. And about what you said, yes they are both okay with it. I know they are."

"Really?" She asks a little quieter now, enough that you can hear her sipping up her boots and grabbing her car keys unlocking her door and leaving. "How do you know did you ask both?"

"Well" He said "about that, I'm kind of going on a date with both and-" he hears something fall and it then goes silent for a while. "Ash? Are you there."

Mina was frozen shocked by what she just heard. After picking up the phone she dropped she answered him again. "Holy shit. Yeah I'm here I just dropped my phone for a second. D-did I hear you right? Both of them agreed? Wait you asked both of them? Does this mean your polyamory? Hold on no don't answer that of course it means your poly. Wait that's not even that surprising in all honesty."

Kiribaku held his breath for a second hoping that she wouldn't care as she talked and heard her say that it wasn't surprising. "W-wait? How is it "not surprising" I didn't even know I was poly till like 5 months ago when I realized that liking both enough to date them both at the same time has a name. How the hell did you know?"

"Hah well, sweetie you'll never know the answer to that. You should know however that I am now 30 dollars richer and Denki and Hanata now you admit to being poly."

"Wha? ASH seriously?!? You all bet on my sexuality?!? AGAIN"

Mina giggled into the phone quickly pulling into the driveway of Denki's house where she knocked on the door to reveal an excited Denki and an unhappy Sero. She hel out her hand to Sero and smiled smugly not saying a word.

"Fuck you" he grumbled

"Nah you have a boyfriend for that" she says winking at Kami. "Come on guys we need to get there anyways I'm pretty sure he only has like 4 and a half hours before his date and we are going shopping."

"Ash? Who are you talking to?" Says Kirishima from on the phone. "An wait did you say shopping? Mina what are you-"

Mina hung up the phone then dragged the other two boys to their car after locking the house door. She sped over to Kiri's house and just showed up at the door.

"Sup bitch" she said when he answered the door. Then she jerked her thumb over her shoulder and pointed to her car. "Get in we're going shopping."

(Time skip to after shopping and having gotten dressed and ready)

"Turn around andddd stop" Mina ordered as she admired her handiwork. Kirishima was now dressed in a red crop top that said "manly as fuck" on it and lowkey tight black jeans. He had crocodile shaped earrings in and a black jacket tied around around his waist in case he got cold. His shoes were simple black sneakers though as they were just walking on the beach. He want allowed to wear his high healed crocs because apparently they were "ugly ass demon shoes that need to rot" according to Sero.

He had cried at that.

"Dayum you look hot as hell." Said Denki only to get an elbo win the stomach from Sero.

"Hello? YOUR boyfriend is right here I don't need you looking at people like that. Your my boyfriend." He looked the other way putting on a pouty face and grumbling.

"Wait no babe, I just mean that he looked nice. My heart only belongs to you, you still love me right?" Sero only twisted away farther as Denki fret about stumbling over his words. Then he caught Kiri's eye and winked.

Him and Mina both laughed and Denki stopped fretting and pouted.

"Not funny guys."

"Aww it was kinda funny" said Sero before pulling him into his lap for a quick kiss.

"Fine..." he said melting against his boyfriends chest and sighing. "When's your date anyways im pretty sure its like 6 already.

"Oh crap- its at like 6:30 and I have to drive to the beach. We're going to a little restaurant to get food near the beach. I think it takes like 20 minutes to get there so I think" he pauses checking his watch to see that it says 6:03. "Yep I should probably leave now, traffic and all. It wouldn't be very manly to be late to a date" He turns to look at his friends.

"Thank you guys soo much for helping me, I don't know what I'd do without you guys I swear."

"No problem Kiri"

"Sure thing."

"Puh-lease I'm glad I did, You'd probably end up going to that date with high heeled crocs on if I hadn't."

They all laugh and then the red haired boy waves goodbye to his friends runs to his car and to his date.

So while I had originally had both parts up as one I realized that's fuckign long af two read all at once so I broke it up into two parts, it wasn't hard I just kinda went Copy and Paste since I had already written out all of its. Anyways hope you liked it! If you did please vote and comment. Also the next part is longer.

[Word Count 1280]

First Date: 𝕂𝕚𝕣𝕚𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕦𝔻𝕖𝕜𝕦Where stories live. Discover now