Old Family

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3:28 a.m

"You know, you should be in bed Rose. Asleep." She looked back noticing Derek at the end of the hall. He wasnt looking at her. He was looking down with his arms crossed against the wall that hid her room on the inside.

"Maybe going to sleep is the one thing i choose not to do." "Everyone needs sleep." Rose scoffed which made Derek smile. "Then why aren't you sleeping?" Derek looked up smiling glancing over to her.

"I havent slept in years nor do I think of sleeping," He sighed. "But I do still think about sleeping or thinking of much ive missed it."

"Then try." "I cant." Rose walked to his side but stood 7 feet in front of him. She leaned against the window looking out to see the scenery. "Why?" She asked. Derek walked next to her opening the full curtain. He pointed out to the fields, to a figure of a body.

Rose looked closley out to the figure and noticed curly locks to its neck. Its eyes shinned bright green. The figure was black but she should see it clearly. "Harry?" She looked to Derek who's face was emotionless.

Rose looked back at the figure that was still there. She wondered if Harry was the reason he could not sleep. Is he afraid? Rose slowly shook her head slowly as he huffed on the window making some sort of symbol.

It looked like some sort of family crest. "The reason i cant sleep is because... I know just one day, when i close my eyes, he will be there, right in front of me again." "Again?" Rose questioned but it seemed as if he did not want to answer.

Derek looked down then to her. His heart clenched inside as he saw her face in Rose. He slowly sighed crossing his arms. "He.. Lets just say things change quickly." "You knew him." Derek nodded his head.

" He.. was family. We're the last ones standing." Rose lowly gasped as she looked at him. She was shocked. Him a werewolf, Harry a vampire.

" But.. Its-" "Impossible?" Derek scoffed shaking his head. "Nobody knows we're family.. except you." "If you're both family then why do you both hate each other so much?" Derek looked at her but started to walk away.

"Wa- Derek!" He ignored her. She speed walked to him grabbing his arm. "Why do you hate each other so much? Why do you pick war?" Derek took out a needle slowly injecting it into her arm. Rose felt sleepy and weak. She felt like falling so she clinched onto his shirt. Each breath she took she felt heavier into her body. Derek held her in his arms watching as she was falling asleep.

"Der-..." Rose fell asleep. Derek looked at her face, examining her face structure. A tear slid from his eye as he felt her soft cheek. A low sob came from within him as he collided to the ground on his knees. He instantly sat down placing Rose on his lap.

He rocked back and forth gripping her small body, crying. His lips quivered as he looked at her peacefully. "Valerie.." he sobbed. Derek kissed her forehead moving her hair away.

"My baby sister, I miss you so much." Derek grabbed the necklace that was around Rose's neck. His eyes glistened with the color of the shining light that was inside the necklace. "I promise, he won't hurt you ever again!"

"Niall!!? NIALL!!" Harry was yelling for him as he removed his blankets from his body. Within 3 seconds Niall was already in his room. Harry seemed to be panicking, his pupils from his eyes widened with fear. He crawled to the nearest wall standing back up.

"What is it Harold? What's wrong!?" "Rose! She's dead!" It took Niall just a second to think that he was having a nightmare. Even though himself, as a king, is a nightmare. "No, she's not! She's safe at home with Daniel." "NO! I KILLED HER!" Harry's breathing became heavy. Niall tried his best to keep him down but he couldn't. This wasn't the first time Harry has ever done this.

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