The Love of Family

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"When do we start to leave?" A younger wolf of their pack asked Derek. "In about an hour. The drive is long into the city." "Do you want me to call the wolves that are in town?" "No, some need to stay behind and watch the humans."

"I'm sorry for asking this but why are we risking our lives for some human? What is she to us? To me?" Derek growled lowly to by the boy. "Because she's family." Zayn said as he stood next to the two.

"She's not family." Derek grabbed the boys hair putting him onto the floor. "Shut your mouth boy!" "Derek!" Scott yelled out. "Let him go." Derek growled once more pulling him away.

"If any of you haven't noticed, my sister is still alive!" The pack began to gasp in shock and surprise. "She lives in Rose. Well, her heart which is the necklace we have hidden decades ago. Some how it found it's way back home. Her spirit has risen and I know because little crystals of the Ruby has been planted in my arm."

Derek picked up his sleeve revealing the Ruby shining in his arm. "My little sister speaks to me." Dereks lips began to quiver. "She misses the world. She misses me, her family. She morns the death of her love."

Zayn crossed his arms looking out into the distance. "We have to protect her with our lives. We have to protect all together! If Rose lives she rises! Accept these words that I am giving you, your leader. If you have a problem with this than leave. But who's pack will accept you?"

The pack stood still in silence. Derek looked around seeing nobody move. He felt a little relieved but also had doubt. "Then you must understand who we are and what we do. We protect! Including the ones we have imprinted on."

Zayn looked back at Derek. "Wait what!?" Liam said walking up to Derek. "Rose was imprinted on Zayn?" "Yes." "Then you know what we must do!" "No, we can not interfere with their kind."

"But we are beginning war again! You said-" "I know what I said Liam! But now isn't the time to fight. Like always we wait, we make plans." "That hasn't been working for us in years Derek and you know that."

Liam looked in Dereks eyes as he clenched his teeth. "I say we wait." A man said walking up to the pack. "Vampire!" A wolf yelled out. Derek and the rest stood their guard. "Stop where you are!" Derek yelled out. Zayn looked over to the vampire who was facing his direction.

The vampire raised his hands up in retreat. "Don't worry my dear wolves, I came to join you." "We aren't taking any demons." Issac said. "Your are our mortal enemy. What makes you think we would want a vampire on our side. Vampires are deceiving, liars, and traitors."

"Now, now Derek, do you believe us as traitors? When your ancestors left mine for dead?" "They had no other choice. Your king was being ignorant and a selfish bastard. Leaving them with nothing!"

"Carlisle was nothing but nice to your kind. My king was died because you!" The vampire stopped himself from going and closer to the wolves. "Anyway, the reason I am here is because I came to talk with a man named Zayn Malik."

Zayn looked at the vampire, examining his stance and looks. "I believe you're him." "Who's asking?" Zayn asked raising an eyebrow. "Please, let me introduce myself." Zayn watched as he bowed his head a little. "My name is Edward Cullen. I am a family member of the Cullen family. Carlisle, the first king to ever rule the world was my father, except biological. I am not a prince, I am not royal, and I am not an enemy to my brothers kind. Which is your tribe."

"Your point is?" "You see, I know Daniel Calibur because he's my brother in law. Rose, well, she's my niece." "Impossible!" Derek yelled out. Edward looked back at him whilst smirking. "In this world, anything is possible."

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