I miss you

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The day was like any other. The winds of the November air and the leaves falling from it's branches on trees and on bushes. The sky with it's clouds so big and white. Everyone in town building it into a big city. The once quiet town not so independent anymore.

Days shorter, nights longer. Rose still in her own bed in the castle of her king. She rested with wounds and scars from a creature who harmed her. Harry sat by her side since that day. He didn't want to leave until she woke up.

Niall stood by her side as well as Harry who cried each night hoping she'd awaken. Rose suffered bad injuries that the doctor was certain it would take her more than 3 months to heal. It has been 5 months and she was still asleep. She had witnessed the most horrible thing that he has ever done and he wondered... if what he did cause her to sleep and frightened her, would he ever forgive himself?

Niall was standing by the glass window with his eyes closed hearing the sound of her heart. As long as her heart would beat he would be okay. He didn't know what he'd do if she never woke. He didn't know what Harry would do either. He opened his eyes glancing over to Harry.

A book that he read rested on his stomach as his hands held the front of it. He was looking out into the distance of the glass window. His breathing was uneasy it seemed he was stressed and parched.

"Har-" "No.. I'm alright." Niall looked down then looked out the window as well. The city now bigger than ever in the horizon. He day dreamed of how much Rose at this very moment would enjoy the outside just now. Looking at the colorful leaves with the two of them.

Rose would be in Harry's sweater and Harry would be happy then he ever was just to see her smile. And he, well, he'd be relaxed knowing that Rose was keeping her promise. To marry his maker and giver him her all. Niall smiled at the thought of the two being together happily but... he didn't want it to be that way.

He didn't want Rose to die by his hands. Harry may have promised that he wouldn't ever touch her in any way again but by the look in his eyes he was impatient. He kept his distance not wanting to touch her. His eyes are as empty as death. Niall thought until she takes that deep breath of her awakening he will no longer ache.

Niall walked towards Harry holding his wrist out to him. "You need to stay healthy. Rose won't wake up until the scars have healed." Harry slowly pushed Nialls arm away with his eyes closed. He opened his eyes looking over to her. "There almost fading."

"It might be another 2 months." Niall put his hands in his pockets looking the other direction. Harry sighed slowly. "The doctor is coming tommorow so hopefully he will say at least a month, no?"

Niall glanced over to Harry who's eyes were closed once again. Harry felt a sharp pain in his stomach. Niall knew he was aching and so was he. Harry clenched to the arm chair tightly. His eyes shut tightly and lips quiver.

Niall placed his hand on his shoulder as a tear rolled slowly down his cheek. 'Am I crying?' Niall placed his other hand over his cheek to the wentness of his tear. He wiped it and looked at his hand. "Idiot." Niall said to himself.

A month passed and still no sign of her eyes opening or sudden movements. Harry still sitting in the same spot with his eyes still closed. Niall also by his side. Then there was a knock on the door. "Come on." Niall said. A guard stood by with a phone in his hand. "Lord Thomas is on the other line my king." Niall looked back then to Harry.

"Take care of it." Harry nearly growled and Niall did as told. Niall took the phone as the guard disappeared with the door closed. "What is it Fin?" "Niall, we have a bit of a problem." By the tone of his voice Niall noticed that it sounded weak and raspy. "Whats wrong?" "I'm getting sick for some reason. I feel depressed I can't even move I just-" "Wait, how?" It was quiet for awhile but it clicked. "Its Harry." Niall looked at Harry was paler then ever.

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