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Your POV


Shhh. I'm sleeping stop it.


I'm tired...


I jerked awake as I looked at the person waking me. Father, did I over slept again?
I look at my surroundings as saw that i am in a carriage.

"We're here."

Father opened the door as the sunlight went inside also. He carried me and placed me on the ground. He said 'thank you' to the coachman and waved them goodbye.

My Father held my hand as he led me towards a big house, bigger than ours. The sound of our footsteps was heard as we walked on the stone path.

"I bet you're gonna love it here, Ernesta. There's lots of children in here. I bet you could be friends."

"Hmp. I don't know why you and Mum kept insisting of me going social. It's not that easy, you know."

"True, being social takes time. I just want to see go and have fun."

"I'm already having fun. I like the story books you gave me, the one with the big salty waters!"

"Hmm, sure I'll get you more story books then. Why don't you try and read those love stories, Your Mum are very fond of."

"I'm not Mum."

"You sure not."

We reached the door. Father straighten his composure and knocked on the door, there was a long silence. "Now, atleast be nice to them."

"Depends on them."

He let out a sigh. "This is why you don't have friends."

The door opened and it revealed an old man he didn't look like any kind of butler he looks more like a shady person. He looked at me for a few seconds before opening it for us and letting us in.

He left us and another person approached us this time a beautiful young lady with blue eyes and black hair. "Greetings, I am Frieda Reiss, Current head of the Reiss family. It is nice to see you again Mr. Emberstone, and oh- i see we got some company here. Hi, are you Ernesta?"

She said as she stopped at my level and looked into my eyes. I hid behind my Father, not because I'm scared rather because she's in my personal space, so I'm using my father's leg as a wall between us.

Our face might switch, though we kinda look a like, but I still don't want to switch my face. I gave a nod and she smiled before messing my short hair.

"What a good boy."

"She's a girl."

"Oh, pardon me. It's just your hair is so short like a boy. And you kind of look a like Mr. Emberstone."

"Please drop the formalities, your majesty. Just call me Troy. And yes, apparently she doesn't like the idea of tying her hair so me and her Mum just cut it."

"Why not? I bet you look great with long hair."

"Now, Frieda you seem to get caught up with the little one and forgot your manners, offer our guests seats, Ah! Troy, I'm sorry about her, she just love little kids. Here's our family." He pointed at the people sitting on the sofa, children were causing chaos while the elder child tries to calm them down, only for them to fall down along with the sofa.

A woman with blond hair is sitting on a chair peacefully sipping her tea while reading a book, as if her children aren't noisy.

"Is this Esmeralda's child?"

"Yes, our child."

"Ah, yes. She'll be a fine one." The man crouch down on his knees and took a good look at me. Examining my features. However, Frieda pushed him out of the way and took a good look at me.

Again, please. Don't invade my personal space. It's very awkward for me.

"Indeed, father. She'll make a great one."

' What does that means?'

She crouched down to my level. "Ne you, want to be like Big sis?"

I tilt my head to the side. What? I am very confused.

"Enough of that. Me and Troy has a lot of matters to discuss, Frieda take Ernesta with you entertain her, i heard she's fond of books. Perhaps entertain her with a few story books."

Frieda nodded and took my hand before watching our fathers leave. She began dragging me towards her room, seems like it.

She made me sit on the loveseat as she rummage on her bookshelf. I took the time to look around it's a very neat room, you'll immediately notice that this is a lady's room.

She came back with a book in her hand. She lift me up before sitting on the love seat and sat me on her lap. She opened the book and went to a certain chapter.

I looked at the image and saw a Monster handing a flower towards the little blond girl. She pointed at the monster.

"Ernesta, this monster is like you."

I looked at her with a bummed expression. We look nothing alike, Seriously lady?
I didn't reply instead I looked at the photo she's looking at.

'Though I watched AOT. But I only finished the 1st and 2nd season, but not everything. Ugh, stupid truck.'

Whatever lady.

"Big sis is like that too. And you're like me. We're both that monster. But still different. Ernesta you'll have to protect that little girl. Big sis can no longer. For my time is nearing. My heritance will be over sooner than expected. And it will be passed down to you."

A depressed expression came over her face. She looked down her eyes darkening, and glistening with tears. A tear escaped her eye, then turned into a full sob. She embraced my form clutching the sleeve of my shirt.

"I'm sorry for putting you into this. You did nothing, you're not a sinner. But, fate us just cruel."

What could she possibly means? Sinner? She pulls away and wiped her tears before entering the bathroom, leaving me.

I stared at the picture one more time. I placed my hand and run it down the monster's picture. How can you be me?


"Father Miss Frieda loves children. Is that why she has so many siblings?"

He looked at me and smiled. A creepy smile, Father you really look creepy.

"That's my girl."

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