Chapter 8

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After our little 'disagreement', I started explaining some Physics subjects to Ben. For someone who hadn't had Physics in years, he seemed to understand fairly well and I was impressed although obviously, I didn't show any of it.

After Physics, we covered some Chemistry and Math basics and I started going over the Biology curriculum. When we hit genetics, though, he seemed to have trouble understanding and got more and more frustrated.

What didn't help was that Owen kept texting me (I didn't have a smartphone, so no Whatsapp for me) asking when I was done and sending broken heart-Emoji's when I didn't reply. For some reason, Ben gritted his teeth in annoyance every time another text came in. I would understand his irritation if my phone kept making buzz sounds, but I had turned it off so I didn't get why it bothered him so much.

Anyway, I liked genetics best so it was actually fun to explain. Problem is, however, that when I like something, I can't stop rambling about it.

"So, this is actually the easiest part. You look at which alleles the parents have and since you're merely looking at monohybrid matches, you just use a calculation of probability to determine how many children have a dominant allele-combination," I smiled.

Ben seemed at a loss and frowned. "Huh, but how does- they don't have two, right, how can you calculate, didn't you say the genes weren't on the same chromo-thing..?"

"Uhh.. what exactly do you not understand? This is kind of supposed to be the easy part," I muttered.

Apparently, he was insulted by my words and another text from Owen came in, riling him up further. He bashed his fist on the wooden table, sending my Chemistry notes flying.

"For god's sake, no, this isn't fucking easy. Some of us actually have problems and responsibilities and no time to spend their whole day reading books about this science-bullshit. So how about you fucking go to that low-class boyfriend of yours that keeps texting you since obviously, you fit right in."

His deep voice echoed to the empty library and I stared at him in shock. The shock swiftly turned into anger though, as I processed how he had just insulted me, and I yelled: "No, you don't get to do this. You don't get to act like your rich-boy problems matter because you know what? They don't. What, your butler is sick and now you have to make your own coffee? Your driver quit, probably because he couldn't stand to be in your acerbic presence any longer, and now you have to drive yourself home or, god forbid, take the bus? Some 'low-class people', as you so condescendingly called me, have actual problems and actual responsibilities. Some people have no freaking time to spend their days reading about 'science-bullshit' because they actually have to work for their money!"

I quit yelling catch my breath. I had a soft, quiet voice by nature and I was sure that my rant hadn't sound nearly as intimidating as his had, with his deep, booming voice, but at the moment I couldn't care less. I was so pissed off.

He opened his mouth to comment and undoubtedly insult me further, but I stopped him.

"Cut it out. Good luck figuring out how to fit all this information - I gestured at the books spread out on the table - into that pea-sized brain of yours."

I ran away and it was only when I'd reached the Arts building, where I was supposed to have my English class in a bit, that I realised that my books were still in the library. I contemplated going back for the ridiculously expensive books, which I had been saving for for months, but my pride won the better of me and I kept on walking towards my class.


I know, I know, it's short and as all chapters, unedited, but I just really wanted to update for NotANerddd because she has been so supporting and so nice.

Next chapter will be so cool and I will update soon! Please please vote and comment, I need you guys!



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