In Regards to X Reader Fanfictions,

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This is all said with the intention of harmless fun, and I have nothing against those who have operatives as comfort characters, or anyone who has comfort characters in general.
Having comfort characters is fine, I have some of my own! 

Again, this is mostly just to poke fun at those who go overboard with their feelings for these lego block men, not those who are genuinely respectful of the Ops and their admins.

IK i said I wouldn't update this book anytime soon but I lied sooo marry Christmas even though its in the middle of March. 
Stfu anytime I update this book  it might as well be Christmas.  LWJFISFN

Anyway im not here to feed into my ego im here to talk abt how some of ya'll rlly be out here looking at these glorified lego men and going " humma humma 😍😍😍  awoo!!ga!!  awooga !! 💛😘🤫💞💨😣🥳❤🤩💚🙂💛💨😋🙂😚🤩😋 yes please 👻👻😝😪💍😍💍💍💗💓💍💦 "

Like, um, kind of freaky tbh. 

But seriously, ya'll wanna get it with ,,, corpse men ?  ?  Who are like, 100+ years old in some cases ? 

Especially radiant, like I get it, he's flirty and its kind of an ongoing joke that he wants to smash every living thing in the obersvable universe but ,, thats literally just ??  His character???  And tbh probably also just his old admin joking around.

He's meant to be flirty, it's in his nature.  It's how he was built. 
BUT HES STILL UGLY AS HELL!!!!  girl have YOU SEEN HIS INGAME MORPH????  he looks about as visually appealing as the aftermath of a toad in a blender 😋😋 !!

Also tbh all you macabre simps out there rlly shitting on scary_day and yet hes the one with all the lore 🥶🥶

Macabre is just,,, what??  Graveyard boy??  Lmao ok !! 

Also also, Unstable isn't your cute little " baby boi", he has brain damage and would most likely shoot tf out of u in under a minute, even if not on purpose. 
I've fr seen some people call his manner of speech "cute".  Need i remind you that he speaks like that due to literal brain damage??  He cannot  form proper sentences due to physical trauma. 
Brain damage is not fucking cute.  Stfu and GO OUTSIDE!!  LOOK AT THE SKY, COLLECT SOME STICKS, WATCH BIRDS!!  LITERALLY DO ANYTHING OTHER THAN GO " oh em gee unstable baby blue cute bean !!  Yes yes !! 😝😘🤩💨❤🙂🤩😻😝😘 "

Moving on,
Benevolent isnt your "soft baker boy".  He has Malevolent??  And he performs brutal experiments on his test subjects??  and literally he cooks people into his pastries sooo ,, think abt that the next time you go to write a cute fanfic where Bene and Y/N-chan bake a cake together.  😘😘
Please dont forget that hes built to kill, btw

Who else do we have.,,,
Ok first of all he is old, hes like 100.  Second of all he is super fucking mean and ,, scary??  Like thats the whole point of his character. 
Second of all, like idk what you simps think of when you see him but if you think he's some kind of "dominant bad boy 😋🤫💍❤😋❤😻💞💦🤫🥳💞💛🥳💘"  I will fucking find you. 

Emo?  Let's talk about Emo.
First of all,
he does not feel emotion.  He cannot feel emotions.  He is physically unable to.  I will probably dedicate an entire chapter to this freaky weirdo later on but for now, I'll say this. 

He can't feel love, he cannot feel attraction of any kind. 
Why would you like him??  I just,, don't see the appeal??  Hes kinda ugly tbh 😪😪 

Idk maybe its just me but I do not like emotionless_day. 

Lastly, Great_Day.
If you simp for them,
I am outside of your house.  Open the door.  Let me in.  I just want to talk. 


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