In Regards to Emotionless_Day,

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Now this chapter is mainly gonna focus on the one thing above all else that ticks me off the most when it comes to wattpad fics about Emo,
Specifically certain fics based around a certain ship,
That ship being Great x Emotionless.

Words cannot describe how much that sentence alone makes me want to revert back into monkey.

It's already bad enough that whenever I see Emotionless my first visceral reaction is to eat my own fucking toenail clippings,
But to literally see people ship him with another,, person, especially Great_Day of all people ??? 

Out.  Get out.

So while I'm ragging on the ship and calling it - more or less - bad, let's get into why exactly it's bad. 
Why exactly it's almost the fucking bane of my existence, second only to Radiant_Day himself. 

First of all, unless you possess the intelligence of a muskrat, you've probably picked up on the fact that his name is Emotionless_Day.



adjective: emotionless

not showing any emotion; unemotional.

"her voice was flat and emotionless"

He cannot, physically, express nor feel genuine emotion.  He is unable to, no matter how hard he or anyone else tries to get him to feel at least something. 
This includes love and attraction. 
He can't give an actual fuck about you or anyone else, even if he wanted to. 

No, he is not going to magically gain emotions through the " power of love 💘💍😘💞💋💍👻💘💍😝💋❤😋😣😚" shut up. 
And even if he did somehow fall in love with precious Y/N-chan, its not allowed.  His entire purpose for existing is based around the fact that he is emotionless. 

Which brings me to my next point;

Great x Emotionless.

This makes me want to keel over. and die. 
Not only is it -from a moral standpoint - fucking nauseating, it also makes no sense when applied to canon. 

For those of you who do not know,
Great_Day programmed Emotionless_Day specifically to lack emotions, so he could fill his role as "The Counselor". 
So he could be his second hand man and make calculated decisions  without having to worry about emotions interfering with his ability to work efficiently. 

And the sad thing is, in a lot of these fanfics I've come across, a key component of it is that either,

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And the sad thing is, in a lot of these fanfics I've come across, a key component of it is that either,

A) Great has no idea why Emo is emotionless, and when Emo suddenly gains feelings for him he sees it as a positive thing


B) Emotionless starts gaining feelings for Great without truly knowing what they are, and then things just magically end out with the two becoming uwu gay bby bois.

When in reality, none of this would have even gotten within 2 inches of coming true. 
If Emo ever felt romantic attraction towards anyone, but Great especially, he'd probably be seen as defective.  It would go against what he was made to do. 

I don't know if this would warrant him being killed or something but I'd assume so??  Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here. 

But this really all just goes to show how out of touch the DU Community on wattpad really is with the lore. 
Like come on man I've seen mf fanfics where there are. CARS IN THE FINAL CITY?!?####(#>##[$<%&=[#<$&%*?!??$*$&$&%&%**  flatlines asf *

Ok back on topic,

Great wouldn't get with Emo even if he was fine with him going against his very own life purpose and gaining emotion.  He doesn't even want a relationship in the first place.

I get it, " oooo second in command ... 🥰🥰🙂🙂💝😘😻🙂👻  forbidden love 🥶💦💟💦🥺😪😍🥳🤍🥺💗🤩 .
!.. !!! gay yaoi great x emo_boy uwu uwu owo !! 1##*$>"#($&&#,%🇩🇰🤫🤬😘💟😋🥺❤💨😋🇩🇰🤫💨💝💘 "
But do any of you even think of the plausibility when it comes to this shit?? 
I have yet to read a single fanfic that properly explains how and why Emo out of no where becomes, not only emotional, but also,,, gay????  For Great_Day ????

Like to anyone who actually writes this stuff and happens to be reading this book, could you please explain how the hell you manage to justify Emotionless getting emotions??  Like I just
Where does it come from?  How ???  Why??  And with Great_Day??? 

I honestly just can't
Maybe it's just me but when it comes to a man devoid of emotion abruptly getting feelings for someone, it doesn't make sense, at all. 

I would genuinely like to hear some of your guys' logic on how Emo goes from a dead, unfeeling husk of what once was a man to
" uwu ... great day-san... 🥺🥺🥺❤😋💟💗😘🇩🇰 be ..  b . .  .be my husband uwu owo !! <3 <3. 🥳🥳🤍💘💍💍💍💞 "

Please, honest to God, enlighten me. 
Teach me, a shipping philistine, your unsung wisdoms.  Guide me down the road of knowledgeable fanfic fortunes untold and unfathomable. 
Open my eyes, blinded by ignorance, to the colorful world your UwU Catboy sensitive Gacha Baby bean boy gay yaoi Homosexual gay gay super gay softboy Homoromantic War Machine Boys owo prosper in.

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