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DISCLAIMER!!  Kind of controversial and full of  (probably) unpopular opinions.  This is coming from someone who is almost entirely detached from the DU community and has been for months, take my knowledge of the revamp with a grain of salt bc it is in no way up to date + this chapter has been in draft for like 7 weeks.  

In Regards to the DU revamp,

OH MY GOD I LIVE !?  SpoonRat breathes again. 

Proud to say I am now a known menace in the new and totally fucked community DU revamp has shat out.  

which is exactly why im here!!! yippee 

 tbh while im sure the revamp has its strengths it just doesnt beat the original (not that ive been keeping up, and for obvious reasons.  the lore is just as convoluted and unfriendly to newcomers as before, if not more so) . i thought it would fix the mistakes made previously, such as the shitload of characters and the god awful documentation of the lore itself, but from what ive seen in my brief glances, it hasnt.

its just as messy as before, only this time with a whole new coat of paint. 

It has close to zero of the qualities that made it the Days Union in the first place.  Could it really still be considered the Days Union then??  I mean sure you have Great_Day and whatnot but like .... thats it.  What I thought the revamp, when it first was announced, was going to accomplish was telling the original story of the DU, but done right this time.  

That couldn't have been further from the truth.

What initially drew me into the myth were the characters, of which now in the lore don't even fucking exist anymore, as far as I know (cut me some slack here, I'm not a part of this god awful community anymore).  The idea and story itself were just awe inspiring to me.  I've always had a soft spot for dystopias.  

The og DU could've been a fucking godsend among myths due to its inquisitive and unique nature, had it not been fucked over by emo's admin (supposedly, or whoever was calling the shots bc im pretty sure it wasnt great day by the end).  But now all of that is lost in favor of some new story.  The new lore seems interesting, sure, but its almost an entirely new cast.  This is not what I came into the myth for, I did not come looking for fucking Rystars or Xiomara's or whatever, I was drawn in by the Days, the Operatives, the dynamics they had and the bleak backstory each one of them offered.  

While the minds behind the DU revamp are in no way any less creative or hardworking, its just disappointing to see something that isn't the Days Union at all anymore dawn its name.

What I had hoped to see done with this revamp was the retelling of the original story (or perhaps a continuation of it) but without the inconsistent storyline and the constant introduction of new characters that would inevitably just fall to the wayside and be forgotten about.  

DU had a wonderful future set up for itself solely due to how expansive the world building was, but it was ruined by sloppy handling and countless mistakes.

While some of these side characters were incredibly interesting, such as Astralis, Guardian Star, Dwarf, and so on, they ultimately served no actual purpose to the original lore.  

So a DU without this constant focal shift would've come out great, I think.  There was a lot that could've been done with the original cast of the Union, Coalition, and perhaps the Dawns or Dusks, too.  

Yet the revamp fell to what seems to be the same fate.  The constant introduction of countless characters and whatnot.  Not only did it disregard the majority of the already established characters, it went on to create and produce numerous more, as if that wasn't one of the biggest issues of the original myth.  

I feel now the best course of action would be to just let the myth rest.  If its legacy cannot be carried on, whats the point anymore??  It had a good run, and it was fun while it lasted, but sometimes things need to end, and DU is a good example of that, I think.

(Not to mention the majority of the community like totally fucking sucks now even more so than before and I have the running impression that it exists semi-solely to feed off of petty fandom drama and when it cannot find any it uproots the entire closet just to find some skeletons from like 2-3 years ago and this irresponsible behavior is only reinforced by irresponsible admins or otherwise people in power/people with influence over the newer and/or more naive members bc despite a good chunk of the admins/mods/other such authority figures being old enough to get married drive a car have a job and live alone they still act like total fucking pissbabies bc thats the kind of awful environment this community has bred and raised to be accepted and viewed as the status quo) [not including kerry, bless her soul] 

Moving on, I have since removed myself from this fandom and am no longer interested in whatever it has to offer.  It was good while it lasted and I thank a good lot of you for reading this shitty book and bearing with my maniacal ramblings.   

I can confidently say that this is the end of the road, and the end of this book.

End of Story.  

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