In Regards to "I'm shipping the Characters, not the Admins" Follow Up.

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This isn't going to be a long chapter, as I just wanted to clarify on some previous points that I feel I didn't elaborate well enough on.  As well as to address some misconceptions I've seen people make.

To start things off; Yes, the admins are very much so the characters.  They are not entirely one in the same, as one is a work of fiction, and the other is a real, living, breathing human.  However, that doesn't mean that the admins identify any less with the characters.  
They play the characters, and bring life to them.  They make the characters recognizable and enjoyable. 

I've seen the excuse "Well then by that logic we shouldn't ship [character from show x character from show] because the voice actors are uncomfortable with it" being used before, and I'd like to release a statement.

The DU admins are not at all similar, or even comparable to, the voice actors for fictional characters in fictional TV shows.  The VA's are given scripts that tell them what to say, and generally how to act.  This is NOT the same as going free-style (save for scripted events) like the DU admins usually do, in general situations or interactions.  

The show VA's do not write their own scripts in most cases, they are written by separate people.  In fact, the VA's bring audible life and personality to the character, those who write the scripts for the VA's bring general life to the character, and the animators and/or directors (depending on if the show is animated or not) bring visual life to the character.
It is a whole team of people working together to bring a character to life, there is a single person for each character in DU working to make that character come to life.
Therefore making it less likely in the first scenario for one person to identify as much with the certain character as DU admins do.  
It's far more personal for them. 

And that is exactly why you should not ship them.  Especially since the characters from TV shows do not belong to a single person, they usually belong to a company.  DU and it's assortment of characters belong to only a small team of people, and in some cases, only one person.  It can feel like someone is taking your very own, personal creation and doing disgusting, unwanted things to it. 
For big companies, no one cares.  They're corporate entities, not a few passionate individuals just trying to express and share their creative ideas.  

Leave the DU team and it's characters/admins alone, for fucks sake.  End of story.

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