Chp 3.

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Chp 3. Plans to Investigate

‘It’s John Barfield, our neighbour’s little boy. He’s suddenly gone missing and the police haven’t found any trace of him. He’d gone cycling down Pennybrook Alley. They found the tracks up to a certain distance, but then…poof!.it just disappeared!’

‘Hold on. Did he go cycling down Pennybrook Alley? Ryan. That’s where…’

‘I know Kelly, it’s weird…first, you get hurt and then John goes missing?’

‘He’s probably been kidnapped. Too many of ‘em out there.’

‘That’s not the point, Steve. There is something unusual about that road, I know it. Otherwise, how do you think I fell?’

‘Lost your balance, little Missy?’ Steve burst out, laughing.

Kelly just rolled her eyes.

‘She’s won tons of races, idiot,’ May defended. ‘There’s no way she could’ve lost her balance and fallen on a concrete road.’

‘And you said that you’d felt a push, right?’ Ryan sounded excited.

‘That’s right. We don’t have school tomorrow. Who’s up for a tour of our crime scene?’ grinned Kelly.

‘I’m in!’ shouted May and Ryan in unison.

‘Ok then, count me in too.’

‘I guess I’d better not be left behind.’

‘So, it’s the five of us again, for tomorrow.’

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