29.(Written Chapter)

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"HYUNG! HYUNG!" Namjoon banged on the door of Yoongi's genius lab.
"The door is open.." Yoongi's calm voice came from inside.
Namjoon flung the door open and ran to his Hyung, who was typing something on his laptop.
"What is it now?" Yoongi pushed his glass up from the bridge of his nose to his forehead.


"Who? And yes...u slept here at night,ofc you look like a mess" Yoongi said looking at his dongsang.

"KIM SEOK JIN IS HERE!" Namjoon screamed and ran both of his hands through his hairs.

"Oh" was all he said in return.

"Can you please give me something to wear! I know you have a whole stash of clothes here" Namjoon pointed at the whole-ass cupboard.

"Fine..but you will get it dry cleaned and return it without a scratch, spot or SAUCE SPIL!" Yoongi hissed and got up.

"Do you have anything that isnt black or doesnt smell like tangerines?" Namjoon sniffed the shirt Yoongi threw at him.

"Unless you wanna go looking like a homeless person in front of your crush- this is all you have.." Yoongi grumbled and continued looking through his clothes.

"First of all HE ISNT MY CRUSH! and look there is a white shirt in there-

"Oh..no no Kim Namjoon and white shirt...is a disaster..."

"Hyung come on! I wont spill anything. Please!" Namjoon stood up agitated.

Yoongi threw the shirt at him and a blazer. "I- dont think my pants would fit you"

"I have a spare in my studio!" He jumped and grabbed all the clothes. "See you later Hyung" He was out of the door before Yoongi could say anything.

"Mr. Kim's office is this way." The women from the reception desk showed both the boys the way. It was a maze. The building was so big. They had already been up 8 floors and still walking around corridors.

"What did you do Hyung?" Jimin whispered as the both kept walking.

"I..have no idea..I just texted him that I was here..

"This is Mr. Kim's office." She bowed and disappeared on the same path they came from. Jin gulped. And knocked 9n the door. "Come in" a heavy voice came.

At this moment, Jin's heart was going crazy. He regretted his decision of not checking out Namjoon's insta profile. He had no idea who he was meeting.
He never had any interest in this area, and Hoseok never talked much about work. So Jin was pretty much clueless as to if he was meeting a 60yr old rapper or a 40yr old man with 3 kids!

Jimin looked weirdly at Jin as he was standing like a statue. "Hyung?" He tapped on his shoulder.

Jin gulped. And turned his head to face Jimin. "y-ya?" His voice was think.

Jimin motioned him to open the door. Jin nodded slowly and wrapped his fingers around the handle. Gently pushing the door open, both boys found themselves in a huge office.

(a/n: this is Namjoon's office not his studio, so the ambience is different)

It had nothing except books everywhere, and the wall was full of music awards and discs. On the right hand side was the whole Seoul below them. The glass wall was nothing but breathtaking. Jin broke his focus from the scenery and turned to the man standing in front of a huge mahogany table. He looked so young. He had square framed glasses on and his hairs were perfectly messy,( in a good way). He wore a plain white shirt with a silvery gray blazer on top.

Jin's breathe hitched. He had seen Hoseok perform on stage, he had seen his dance and him soaked in sweat. Hoseok was hot, there was nothing that could change it. But this man, he was something else. He had a dimpled smile on his face and his soft features made Jin's knees weak. This was totally different from what he always felt with Hoseok.
Jimin nudged jin once again, indicating that he was staring for an uncomfortable amount of time now.

Jin cleared his throat and walked a bit further.

"Kim Seok Jin, nice to meet you finally." Namjoon extended his hand. Jin shook his hand. Jin was literally mesmerized, that he forgot Jimin was right beside him.

"Um- hi I'm Park Jimin." They both shook hands. Namjoon motioned them to sit on the chairs in front of the desk. Then he walked slowly to sit in his own seat. Jin hadn't said one word since he entered here.

"You don't speak much in real life, do you? Because on insta it seems otherwise." A deep chuckle made it's way out of Namjoon's lips.

"N-no" Jin stuttered.
Freaking come on SeokJin. Get a grip on yourself! You have a boyfriend for God's sake!!

"I didn't know you were bringing a cute friend!" At this compliment, Jimin blushed.

"But I'm sorry to say we wont be able to discuss anything in front of you." Namjoon looked at Jimin.

"I- its f-ine, I'll wait." Jimin got up and rushed out the door. Once he closed the door, he breathed a sigh of relief and was about to turn when he bumped into a figure.

"Excuse me? Who are you?" Jimin looked at the guy. He was wearing a black hoodie and tight black pants. He had pale but sharp features. A blush crept onto Jimin's face.

"I-I am Jimin-

"And I'm Yoongi."


"So Jin-sshi! Can I talk to you informally?" Namjoon smiled at Jin again.
Jin had lost all control over his speaking ability and so he nodded.

Namjoon slide a piece of paper towards him.

"Well, this is your contract. It has everything written in it. You are to come over at shoot locations as scheduled. Our new merch is the miniature version of My Bonsai! My fans love it and so the company-

Before Namjoon could finish, Jin burst out laughing. His laugh was contagious and sounded some what like a wind shield wiper. Namjoon smiled a little,but his brows furrowed in confusion.

"I-tz. I'm sorry! A WHAT! A BONSAI!?" Jin said in between his laughter.

After almost 5 mins of no talk only laugh. Jin wiped his eyes with the sleeves of his shirt. "God..I'm so sorry." He said before another chuckle escaped his mouth.

"I see that you are no different than Instagram." Namjoon was amused.

When Jin first entered his office, he was totally frozen. The boy looked ethereal in real life. So much more handsome than on the pictures. He walked like he owned the place. Namjoon knew from the moment that this was going to be a huge problem- because he was whipped for Kim SeokJin.

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