53.(Written chapter)

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Jin walked up to the door and flung opened it. He had no idea what he was going to tell Hoseok, but he was angry, he was so angry at himself that he did this to his friend.

Stood in front of him was a huffing Hoseok. He had his dance practice clothes on. His hairs were messy and dripped with sweat. Behind him was the security. Of course no one would let him just barge in here. They knew jin but not Hoseok.

Jin without wasting a moment hugged the angry guy.

Hoseok just stood there. Not hugging back Jin, not saying a word.

Jin stopped hugging him and tugged him to come with him. Hoseok glared at Namjoon who was still standing at the same spot. But he followed Jin.

They walked outside the company and entered a park. Jin patted on a bench and motioned Hoseok to sit.
When both of them were settled and Hoseok's breath was normal Jin began.
He told him everything that happened, from the comments on insta to the job offer, the slight make out session on Halloween and one time hand holding.
"- I am sorry for everything Hobi. I shouldn't have done this, him being the thief guy just made this 100 times worse. I don't expect any forgiveness from you."

Hoseok just sat there, looking no where in particular.

"Jin...lets break up, it isn't because Namjoon is the old thief guy...but because I dont think anything is left between us anymore. I'm not angry at you. You would have never turned to him, if I kept you happy. Maybe we arent meant to be together." A single tear slide down his cheek.

Jin was already sobbing, "no-no hobi, please- it's my fault, but dont leave me. I'm sor-rry,"

Hoseok looked at Jin and smiled. It wasnt a fake one, but it showed the pain he was in. "Its fine Jin. I will always love you, but I think it's been enough." He wiped a tear off Jin's cheek and stood up.

Taking a deep breath in as he walked away, "Ah...and one more thing, Namjoon wasn't the guy who stole my songs. It was Min-Jae. Min-Jae made Namjoon believe, that I was cheating or something. Namjoon was great friend of mine but he got tangled in Min-Jae's false accusations. I didnt tell him this, because, something's are meant to be a secret. He is a good guy though-" Another tear slipped from the corner of his eyes.

As the sun set, Jin saw his Best friend, love, and his sunshine walk away.

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