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It's been a week. Your group hasn't had any luck finding anything new, and everyone is getting tired of running into dead-ends. That's not the only thing souring everyone's mood though. You and your housemates have all caught a cold, and everyone has gotten at least one nosebleed this week. Everyone is paranoid, and it's come to the point where the group does research together. While that's not necessarily a bad thing, it's very telling on how dangerous this project is turning out to be.

In other news, you ended up making an experience journal of your own. Once the sickness started, you figured it'd be good to keep track of anything weird that happened. You began writing about your group and what you were trying to accomplish. After that was explained you also added your symptoms of the sickness. You published it and the next day you woke up to a notification.

Ryan RustyNapkins

Hi! I read your journal and I was wondering if you'd like to discuss our research :)

You knitted your brows a bit. You didn't expect anyone to read it, let alone this soon. But they could be a new source. Maybe they'd found something you hadn't.

Y/N VioletApples

Hi! Sure, that'd be great

Almost no time passed before they responded. Each time you responded no matter how long you took, they always replied within twenty seconds. It was strange, but maybe they just always happened to be online.

As you and the researcher, Ryan, talked he slipped bits of information about himself to you. When asking how long you'd been doing research, he mentioned that he was in college and had been doing it since high school. You had to admit, even over the internet he was quite a charming guy. Other than friendly conversation, theories such as the Tulpa theory and the quantum theory were discussed. He seemed like a skeptical person, but he also had a few things that he was very sure about. For example, the mansion. Ryan believed it existed, just not the way most would expect.

Days passed, and the both of you continued talking about research. By now you had mentioned your group to him and him to your group. He thought the idea of a real-life research group sounded very convenient, while your group urged you to be cautious, after all, who knows who he actually is. You had to agree with them though, over-sharing online was dangerous.

Another week flew by before he brought up something especially interesting. Other than a movie based on Slenderman, video games were also made. A common theme was seen in the games, the eight pages. Pages drawn with cryptic pictures and words that supposedly meant that you were in his territory. Ryan said he had found a page. Your initial thought was that it was just made by some kid, but he seemed sure. He ended up sending a picture, and it looked identical to the ones online. Maybe it wasn't legit, but it was at least a very good copy. Ryan understood your doubt, but he added that once he found it he got a nosebleed. Then once he took it, he felt extremely paranoid. While that wasn't something out of the ordinary when researching, it was something to look into.

Y/N VioletApples

Hey, if you don't mind me asking, what forest did you find the page in?

Ryan RustyNapkins

It's fine lol, I found it in the forest next to ash lake if you've heard of it

Your eyes widened. That lake is basically down the street, it's close enough to walk there in twenty minutes. Was he really that close? How much of a coincidence is that? Is that even a coincidence? You frowned a bit and looked back down at the chat. A coincidence is all it could be. People are everywhere, and he just happened to be in the same area.

Y/N VioletApples

I have heard of it before, I actually live nearby

Ryan RustyNapkins

Damn, really? Are you gonna check it out?

Y/N Violet Apples

Maybe, the group may want to see it too

Ryan RustyNapkins

Cool. Well if you want we could meet in the forest and I could just show you all where I found it

You narrowed your eyes a bit, now that was sketchy. Sure it'd be convenient, but you haven't known him for very long. Plus, he was agreeing to meet up with a group of people. That's awfully strange considering he doesn't know what kind of people he'd be meeting. You sighed and looked up from your laptop.

Currently, everyone was doing research together. You all were sick and paranoid. Doing everything together was the only way any of you would get through this project.

"Hey, so that researcher I've been talking to says he found one of the eight pages." You began, immediately catching the skeptical eyes of your friends, "He also said that he found it in the forest next to Ash Lake."

Jade furrowed her brows, "The hell?"

Sadie frowned, "Yeah... That's uh, kind of weird." Emery nodded in agreement with both of them.

"I know, he even offered to show us where he found it. We definitely shouldn't do that, but I think we might wanna check out the forest." You said as you glanced back down to the chat.

Jade shook her head, "Nah, the eight pages don't exist. It'd be a waste of time."

"But what if they do exist?" Sadie disagreed, "We should at least check it out, without that guy of course."

The room was silent for a moment before Jade huffed, "Fine, haven't gone on a hike in a while anyways."

You nodded, "When do we wanna go then?"

"How about tomorrow?" Sadie suggested.

Jade shrugged while you and Emery nodded. It was settled then. Your group was going to wander through a forest in search of the eight pages. What a great way to spend a Saturday.

3.1 pages, 1,021 words


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