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     About an hour passed before Hoodie woke up and you turned to look at him. He looked tired as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and went to stretch a bit. Then again the bags under his eyes that had been there ever since you first saw him told you that he never really slept well. He sighed before finally looking to you and meeting your gaze.

A somewhat awkward silence filled the room before you lowered your eyes to the floor with a slight frown. He definitely wasn't a morning person so you weren't exactly expecting a warm 'good morning!' Yet you couldn't say that you were used to his coldness despite the weeks you'd spent here either. He rarely tried to offer you comfort, though you for some reason felt comforted just by his presence. It was strange, and you didn't understand why you felt the way you did. And a part of you didn't want to know, because that would involve admitting how you felt, and that certainly wasn't going to happen. At least not any time soon.

Some shuffling was heard before his feet hit the floor and he stood up. You looked back to him and watched as he swiftly threw on his signature yellow hoodie and black ski mask. Dread weighed down your chest as he then turned to face you. It was time to get ready for the day, for the fight, even though you knew you'd never quite be ready for what you had to do.

Before you fell asleep last night and throughout all of yesterday you had told yourself that you could do it. You knew what you had to do, that much was true. Yet you still felt so guilty about Sadie's death, and now to top it all off you had to kill Jade in order to make it out of this alive. You honestly didn't know what you would do if you won. There would be more blood on your hands than you could handle. And even worse, it'd be the blood of two people you used to be closest to in this world.

Sadie was gone, Emery was gone, and Jade had been gone since near the beginning, mentally at least. All of your friends, people you considered to be your family, were gone. You were alone, and though Jade wasn't really Jade anymore, you didn't want her to leave you too.

But what choice did you have?

You could kill her or let her kill you. It was life or death, and even if you chose to fight who was to say you could even win? But you'd just have to find the answer to that question yourself, and it wasn't like you had to wait for very long.

With only two hours until the final fight remaining, Hoodie led you downstairs to get breakfast.

By the counter next to the fridge stood Masky who was hurriedly throwing together a sandwich, walking through the kitchen and to the living room was Jack, and sitting at the table eating a very nutritious breakfast was Jeff. A beer, a handful of beef jerky, and a honeybun laid before him which he was in the process of wolfing down. Where was Jade? You frowned at both the sight of the three men and the absence of your former friend before soon averting your gaze. Hoodie noticed this and sighed before having you sit at the other end of the table, or rather, as far away from Jeff as the table allowed. The table was set up to accommodate ten people, though you hadn't seen anyone else but these four the entire time. The other infamous characters were yet to be seen, though you really hoped you'd never get the chance to meet them.

While you awkwardly sat at the table staring down at your lap, Hoodie went to make your breakfast as Jeff finally looked up and acknowledged your presence.

He immediately smirked at your obviously nervous expression and stopped eating to mock you.

"Somethin' wrong?" He asked as his smile widened, only making your frown deepen. You only shook your head in response, not even bothering to look up at him. He was just a bully, and as long as Hoodie was around you knew he wouldn't try anything. Jeff narrowed his eyes at your lack of response while Masky and Hoodie glanced back at you to see what was going on, though they did nothing to stop him.

"Got a fear of death?" He seemed to really want a reaction, and a reaction, though small, was exactly what he got. Your eyes widened as you clenched your jaw. You didn't even know the answer to that anymore. Were you? Death was really your only escape from this place, but at the same time, you didn't want to die. After all of this, you couldn't.

Jeff snickered at this, clearly amused. "You're gonna die today, you know that right?"


Making you jump and taking Jeff's attention off of you, was Hoodie's fist coming down on the counter.

Surprisingly, Hoodie was visibly angry. "Shut up, Jeff." He hissed as he sent him a glare neither of you could see.

To this Jeff only grinned wider, "Why? You already attached? That's real fuckin' stupid y'know."

Hoodie shook his head in annoyance and tried to go back to making food, but Jeff clearly didn't want to let this go. Before any of you could do anything, Jeff sprung up from his seat and practically lunged at you. He ripped you out of the chair, gaining a shriek from you, and tightly held your arms behind your back.

"Well you obviously are," he began as you thrashed around and tried to escape his hold, but he didn't let you. "What's so good about her anyway? Looks real average to me." You tried to land a kick to his leg, but with his tight grip, there wasn't much room for you to move. Jeff leaned forward and laid his head on your shoulder as he grinned up at Hoodie who was fuming with rage at this point.

"If I had found her out on a hunt one day, wouldn't have even thought twice about slitting her throat. She's nothing."

Hoodie was silent for a moment until he reached to his side and swiftly took his gun out of its holster, promptly pointing it right at Jeff's head. "Get away from her, now."

Your eyes widened as you felt both you and Jeff tense. But then Jeff just laughed.

"That's not gonna do shit, and you know it."

What the hell did he mean by-


Suddenly Jeff's grip loosened on your arms and he fell to the ground with a loud thud. Your eyes remained wide with shock as your ears began to ring. You slowly looked back at Jeff who had a bullet lodged in his skull, its entry through his eye. Blood oozed from the wound as he laid motionless. Was he dead?

Just as your mind began to spin with shock, Jeff groaned in pain before slowly sitting up. Hoodie put away his gun and grabbed your arm, quickly pulling you to his side. The flesh on Jeff's face rebuilt itself right before your eyes and soon enough it looked as if it'd never even happened. He did not look very pleased though.

"You fucking-" Jeff began as he went to get up only for Masky to sigh and step forward.

"Calm the fuck down," he huffed and glared at the both of them, though his annoyance seemed to mostly be towards Jeff as he then looked at him. "Take your shit and go back to your room. Stop picking fights you know you can't win."

With a final glare directed at no one in particular, Jeff got up with a huff and stormed off. Leaving you with great confusion as you tried to comprehend what you had just witnessed.

This fanfic's growth is so speedy like djfjdjhfhshd thank you for 800!

So I was going to make this a super long chapter and have the fight happen as well, but I'm lazy so I didn't. Plus I did make my school's volleyball team so I'm a little busier now. I am very happy though, things are going pretty well in life right now :D

Just a reminder, Jeff doesn't know shit. Despite what some people might say, you all matter, don't let anyone make you think differently

Fanart! :D

and by pigeonfeet.mold on Instagram

Also, I have 6 endings planned out >:D we're almost to the first one. Guess what it'll be >:)))))

4.1 pages · 1,454 words

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