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You slowly pushed yourself up to your feet, your eyes wide with unease and fear. Though his face was covered, you knew he was glaring at you. Hoodie was mad, and you were sure of it. You had gotten caught, you had messed up, and now you pathetically stood before a man you knew was about to hurt you.

As soon as you fully stood up, he slapped you and sent your head snapping to the side. You held in a shriek of pain as you brought your hand to your cheek to try and soothe its throbbing. Ignoring your distress, Hoodie grabbed your face and forced you to look back up at him, the rough fabric of his glove further irritating your skin.

"You tried to escape," he growled, an unseeable furious frown on his lips. "I thought you had finally understood the situation, the fact that you will never get out of here." He shoved you back and kicked your legs out from under you, "guess I was wrong."

You hit the ground with a loud thud, immediately backing away until your back pressed against the wall. He stared at you for a few silent moments, his fists still balled and his posture very tense.

Then he simply left the room, not forgetting to slam the door shut behind him. You jumped at the noise and wrapped your arms around yourself. Terror was all you felt. There was nothing you could do. You were trapped, and Hoodie held the key though you knew he'd never give it to you. Panicked thoughts swarmed your mind, and as much as you tried, you couldn't just rub away your tears. They streamed down your face and showed no sign of stopping, not even for the sound of the door hitting the wall as it was opened once more, not even for the sound of Hoodie's footsteps pausing as he stared down at you.

A moment filled with only the sound of your sobs passed before he pulled you up by your wrist and yanked you out of the room. You dragged your feet as you tried to tug away your arm, even hitting his hand as you tried to pry it off.

"Let go of me!" You yelled as his grip only tightened. You gritted your teeth in anger as you began hitting and punching his back with as much force as you could manage, which was nowhere near enough to phase him. The only thing you succeeded in doing was provoking him even further.

One quick and rage-filled movement later, and you were pinned to a wall with his forearm pressed to your throat.

"Stop it." He hissed, holding you still as you continued to try and fight him off.

"No! Get off of me!" You wailed as you pushed, punched, and kicked with everything you had. Hoodie huffed in annoyance, quickly giving up on trying to calm you down before throwing you over his shoulder. He carried on down the hall, giving no reaction to your useless attempts at getting him to release you. Your efforts were getting weaker with every passing second, and your nerves were only growing worse. Where was he taking you? Was this it? Was he going to kill you? What was he going to do to you?

The strangely lit room he threw you into didn't ease your mind. You squinted as the only other thing you could see but white was Hoodie who stood in the doorway. You were filled with dread as he stared you down.

"We're getting two extra days for training because of your little escape attempt, and because of that, you'll be spending a few days in here." He then pointed to the corner, "there's also a bucket over there."

A bucket?


"You really shouldn't have tried to leave, Y/N."

Before you could protest any further or even respond, the door began to shut and you were left in the blindingly bright room. It hurt to even keep your eyes open. The walls and floor were padded and completely white, only adding to your discomfort. Everything was blank, even the bucket that sat in the corner. You cringed at the thought and took in a deep breath to try and calm down. Everything was fine, you were just in a really bright room.

BΣƬЯΛY ΛПD DΣGЯΛDΣ (Various! Creepypasta x F! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now