⇝ Chapter One ⇜

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❀ Chapter 1 ❀❝I can't get out, mummy❞_______________________

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Chapter 1
I can't get out, mummy

Power coursed through the young child's veins, unnoticed. Too young to know she had power, and too young to be able to control what she had. Her parents knew she was different from the moment she was born. Eyes, as purple as the sky on a calm evening. She was considered a freak to others, yet her parents loved her unconditionally. Until they were killed in an unfortunate accident. Although only 6 years old, she could still remember the accident like it was only yesterday.

The tyres screeched as they attempted to avoid the accident. Her father cursed loudly as her mother screamed. Her mother's scream was so loud, the young girl found herself clutching her ears tightly before the car flipped. Her head whipped from the force as it rolled into the barrier. Her seatbelt was the only thing holding her in place from the accident. The supposed driver who had caused the accident had fled the scene, not wanting to be caught at the crime of the scene.

No one was on the roads at the time, but the criminal who had brake checked the vehicle, who had been driving recklessly before slamming on his breaks, causing the car behind to lose control and roll within the poor weather conditions.

"Mummy?" The young child called out, hearing no reply from her mother. "Daddy?" No reply from her father answered. Tears welled in the child's eyes as she tugged at the tight seatbelt pulling at her small body. "I can't get out. Mummy. Daddy. I can't get out." She called, tugging at the seatbelt frantically. "Mummy, I can't get out. Daddy. I don't like this." Oblivious to the unresponsive parents, she tugged and cried for them during the late hours.

Headlights could be seen in the distance behind the flipped car. The small child's head turned and squinted, hoping whoever was driving would stop and help her. The car rolled to a stop. She heard the opening of car doors as two pairs of feet stepped in front of the blinding lights. "John, call 911." A young female demanded as she made her way to the car. She kneeled onto the ground, flashing a torch into the car before it landed on the young girl who stared, wide-eyed, at the woman. "H-hey, there's a little girl," she called to the man she called John. "Are you hurt? Are you okay?" She asked, trying to remain calm to not frighten the young girl who had her tiny hands clamped on the tight seatbelt.

"I can't get out and mummy and daddy aren't talking to me." She informed the young woman, feeling the tears threatening to spill as she tried to focus on the woman who appeared upside down to her. "W-we're gonna get you out, okay? Just stay put." The woman ordered, looking around the car before leaving. She headed over to the man known as John, whispering towards him to ensure the young girl couldn't hear.

They had been discussing together the unfortunate fate of the young girls' parents. Her mother had been ripped from the passenger seat, having landed in the middle of the road, face down. Her father, neck snapped from the force with a pole protruding from his stomach. The young couple knew that there would be no sign of life from the parents, making the young girl an orphan. "The ambulance are on the way. They recommend leaving the girl in there in case she has any substantial injuries," John informed his partner. "Try and keep the kid calm. She's probably scared to death already. I can't imagine having to experience this at such a young age." He muttered, looking at the mother's body. He moved towards her, placing his fingers on her neck to feel for a pulse. Nothing.

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