⇝ Chapter Three ⇜

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❁Chapter Three ❁❝Are you okay?❞_______________________

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Chapter Three
Are you okay?

"What the fuck?" Gracie's eyes shot open, staring at the bullet as it floated before her face, inches from hitting her before it dropped to the wooden floorboards. The once nervous man now stared at Gracie with fear. He raised the filled tote bag before tossing it at Gracie's feet with fear. "K-keep it. Just don't hurt me, p-please." He stuttered, raising his hands as he dropped the loaded gun. Bright blue and red lights flashed behind the man as he kept his dark eyes on her own trembling frame. "Get on the ground!" An officer called from outside as another entered the store with their guns raised at the man. They inspected the store, ensuring there were no other hostiles around the store that they didn't know about. As if on cue, the young high school employee exited from the staff room, clashing into Gracie as she wrapped her arms around her waist with fear. Gracie, still frozen with her arms raised, was too terrified to lower her arms. The man who stood across from her, obeyed the officer's order, getting slowly on the ground as more police entered through the smashed door. One pressed themselves on top of the dangerous man, placing handcuffs around his wrists.

"Miss, are you okay?" The first officer who had entered the store asked Gracie, stepping closer to the trembling redhead. "Miss?" They placed a hand on Gracie's shoulder, allowing her to register what had happened as she finally lowered her hands, grabbing at her employee tightly. Tears slowly streamed down her cheeks. Jason had arrived not long after they had pulled the delusional man from the store. The well-known boy looked around the store, spotting Gracie and her coworker being question. His friends were behind him as they entered, heading towards the trembling redhead as she informed the officers what had happened. "Are you okay?" He had asked Gracie, examing her small frame beside him as it trembled from the frightful scenario. "We came as soon as we could." He informed her with a soft voice, placing a hand along her shoulder as he pulled her into him. The young coworkers' mother had arrived then, only arriving to pick her daughter up but finding a swarm of police cars in and around the small coffee shop. She had been yelling at the police who were refusing her entry until they had learned she was the mother of the young coworker.

"Are you both okay?" She asked Gracie and her daughter, obviously concerned about the two young girls. She could see both girls trembling with fright, not believing they were involved in a failed attempted robbery. Jason had continued to ask Gracie what had happened while he was trying to inform his dad that she was okay and safe. The young 26-year-old could barely form a sentence as she examined the damaged door and the detectives assessing the damages. "Let's go home." Gracie had managed to whisper to Jason as her coworkers' mother was asking the police if her daughter could leave. Jason nodded his head to Gracie's request, wrapping an arm around her shaking frame as she informed the closest officer that he was going to take the frightened redhead home.

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