⇝ Chapter Four ⇜

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_______________________♛ Four ♛

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Chapter Four
My phone. Where's my phone?

Tony Stark looked to the boxing ring where he examined Natasha Rushman boxing with Happy, all the while a screen displaying her profile and a tiny screen of the news displayed on his holographic table, seeming distracted that she was a model and had photos to prove the resume. Pepper Potts rolled her eyes at the billionaire playboy, noticing the news in the top right of the screen, displaying recent news of the cafe robbery. She could only shake her head at the damage displayed in the news report. "You're so predictable, you know that?" She had asked the billionaire, noticing he was still oggling at the woman's modelling shoots.

Meanwhile, Gracie Hart sat in the car she only ever drives once a week, sitting stuck within the New York traffic as she tapped at her wheel to the beat of the song blasting through her speakers. The light ahead of her flashed green just as the car behind her laid their hand on their horn at her. "Yeah yeah, I'm going," she whispered with annoyance at the driver. "It just went green. Calm down." The car rolled forward, crossing the line as she entered the intersection. Another horn behind her sounded before a loud crash sounded and Gracie's head was whipped around.

It took the redhead a short moment to realise what had happened. Her heart was racing as she felt the blood rush to her head. People approached her now tipped car as they peered inside, calling to the young redhead as her ears rang loudly. "Miss? Miss, are you alright?" The closest stranger called as Gracie shook at her head, trying to get the ringing to stop. She reached for her seatbelt, unable to hear the order from the stranger that she should keep still. Her fingers jammed into the buckle, finding only that the buckle was jammed locked. Her heart drummed in her eyes as she felt herself begin to panic.

Flashbacks from that night returned. Her breathing picked up as she tugged at her seatbelt. The stranger who was closest to her tried to get the door open, only wanting to get to Gracie and calm her down as other commuters who had witnessed the crash tried to help the man. The ringing on Gracie's ears stopped as she could hear the blaring sirens within the city. "Ma'am, keep calm. You're okay. The ambulance are coming." Someone called to her from the passenger window.

"I-I can't get out," she almost screamed, feeling her head spin as she said that. "Get me out. P-please." She begged as tears begin to slip from her head. She tugged as hard as she could before it finally snapped. Gracie fell onto the roof of the car with her head. The woman at her passenger window reached into the car for Gracie as the redhead groaned in pain. "That hurt." She whispered as hands reached into the window from the drivers window, pulling the redhead out of the wrecked car.

Gracie's head spun as she pushed at the people around her. She tried to stand on her feet, disobeyed everyone's orders to stay seated and shoving those away who tried to get her to sit. Gracie looked at the damage around her. The truck that had collided with her had tipped on its side and the driver of the truck was leaning against his vehicle. He was running his hands through his hair as a few people tried to get him to keep calm. His face was stained with tears before he looked toward's Gracie's direction and his face paled. The truck driver pushed at those around him as he approached, the concern washing over his face.

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