⇝ Chapter Five ⇜

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❁ Chapter Five ❁❝You don't look like you had an ounce of sleep last night

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Chapter Five
You don't look like you had an ounce of sleep last night.

The news displayed the terrible accidents on the race track in Monaco. Tony Stark could be seen on the small hospital tv as Jason sat on the end of the bed with his eyes glued to the screen. He plopped another chip in his mouth as he ate obnoxiously loud. Gracie's pounding head would not stop anytime soon with the annoying eating just beside her. "Wow." Jason whispered with a mouthful of food as the large whip sliced the vehicle in two.

Gracie huffed as she scooped a small teaspoon of jelly into her mouth, flinching at the texture on her tongue. She needed to eat to keep her strength up after the disturbed sleep the last few nights. Thankfully she would be returning home soon and hopes she would be able to have an undisturbed sleep.

"Ivan Vanko," Jason was now looking at his phone as the news was now talking of the upcoming weather for the week. "Has been transferred to a high security prison and is awaiting a death row. Pfft, no one can defeat Iron Man." The boy by her feet scoffed, clicking his phone off and turning to Gracie as she sipped on her small cup of water.

"Are you done fangirling?" She asked Jason who ignored her teasing. "Mum and dad are going to pick you up tomorrow once you are released from your own prison and they're planning on making a big feast of your favourite food as a welcome home gift," Gracie rolled her eyes as she knew Mrs T would go all out on her returning home. "It will be your birthday after all." Jason muttered, looking out the window as if he hadn't mentioned the day. Gracie took another bite of the jelly she disliked as a shiver ran up her spin. "Yuck." She groaned before giving up on the cup and downing the rest of her water.

Jason took that as his sign for the leftovers. He scooped the jelly into his mouth as if it was the last cup in the world before he stood from the bed. "I'm going to pee." He announced before trotting into the hospital bathroom. Gracie only shook her head as she caught glimpse of a nurse walking past in disgust at Jason's announcement. The redhead looked back to the news as she noticed glum weather dawning on the days to come. She hated rainy days. But at least she's be stuck at home and resting those days.

Another nurse entered the room as Jason exited from the bathroom. They discussed the discharge papers and had Gracie sign them before finally leaving. Jason stayed within the room the whole day until visiting hours were over. He promised he'd be back tomorrow to annoy her with his presence. As if every day in the hospital was enough for her, she'd have to deal with him leaving the hospital.

The hospital soon grew dark and quiet as the night nurses started their shift and all visitors left. Gracie's door displayed the light of the hallway as occasionally, a nurse would pass as someone would press their call button. The redhead rolled around within her bed, closing her eyes to try and get as much sleep as she could before tomorrow. Another shiver ran up her spine as she pulled the thin sheets under her chin in hopes it would stop the shivers. But she found herself growing restless as she rolled around to try and get comfortable.

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