⇜Chapter 13⇝

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   "HE WHAT?!" I yelled, dropping the bags of food. "He took Olivia with him after flipping his shit on one of the nurses." she explained further. "No one stopped him?" I asked, quickly making my way inside. "No-" "Excuse me, ma'am?" I asked the lady at the front desk. "Yes, how may I help you?" she smiled. I mentally rolled my eyes. "Did a man leave here with a baby girl about, 10 minutes ago?" I asked. Someone other than Abigail and I have to be able to identify him. "Actually, yes," she said, beginning to type away at her computer. "Mr. Kyrie Irving and his daughter, Olivia. She was discharged 15 minutes ago." she said, looking back at me.

   I went into the back, looking for the doctor who previously took care of Olivia. "Doctor, how long can Olivia be without her life support machine thingy?" I asked, not really knowing the specific name for the dern thing. Luckily, he understood. "Well generally, they last about 3-4 hours at the most. She's so small, so her lungs will work extra hard to get oxygen to her entire body," he explained. "Around 1-2 hours is when she'll experience shortness of breath. About the 3rd hour is when she goes into shock. Then the 4th hour.." he didn't finish, but I knew what he meant.

   I shook my head, going out to the car. "Why would they let him just take her?!" I asked, trying to fathom the hospital's stupidity. At least one person in there should have some common sense. Abigail and I quickly got in the car, as I began to drive aimlessly. "Well, being as Kyrie is her legal guardian-" "Not after today, he isn't." I said, pulling into his driveway. I quickly got out. I banged on the door, only to get no answer. I tried the doorknob, but it was locked. I leaned down, pulling my pocket knife out of my boot. "You're going to unlock the door with a pocket knife?" she asked. "Yeah, there are a couple of things living in Baltimore can teach you." I said, swinging the door open.

   She stood at the door, mouth agape. "I didn't know I was with fucking Indiana Jones. You gonna start climbing vines next?"  she joked, and I did, too. "Come on, Abigail." I said, searching the house. After 5 minutes of checking every room, we both came to the observation they weren't here. Running out the house, I only had one more place to search. Hopefully they'd be there. Olivia's life depended on it..

•A/N: please don't hate me for the never ending cliffhangers. Ily❤ ~QveenKaep


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