⇜Chapter 43: Part 1⇝

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3 Weeks Later

"Mommy, can I get some ice cream?" Olivia asked, sitting on the hotel bed. We were in Santa Monica, California in The Huntley Hotel. "Not before the wedding, baby girl. Give Mama a few minutes." I told her as I adjusted my hair rollers.

I wanted my curls to be perfect. Nervous at this point was an understatement. I was finally getting married and I felt like I was dreaming. It didn't seem real at all.

After what seemed like forever, Kyrie and I decided on our wedding colors: white and gold. "Mommy, are you nervous?" Olivia noticed how shaky I was. "Yes, O. I am extremely nervous." I sighed, having a seat after pacing the floor shortly.

"Why? You've known Daddy for a really long time, and he's the same guy." She didn't word it the best, but I understood what she meant. "I know, I know." I answered, taking her downstairs.

I went into the kitchen, and straight to the freezer. After getting a bowl and letting the ice cream thaw, I handed her the ice cream she highly desired. "Then just take a chill pill." She rolled her eyes, walking out the room with her ice cream in hand.

Did she just tell me to take a chill pill? She's definitely Kyrie Irving's daughter. I ignored her, but took her word by trying to stay calm..


"Ouch!" I groaned as Lisa continued to pluck my eyebrows. "Well if you stop moving-" "It still hurts!" I told her, and she dropped her hands to her sides. "I'm sorry, but these caterpillars need to be done." She told me, and I furrowed then at her.

"They look fine, see?" I lied, in hopes it would get her to stop. It didn't, though. "Stop being a baby." Olivia told me, crossing her arms. "You're going to stop being so fiesty!" I joked, tickling her sides.

She squealed and giggled as I did so. I sat back in the chair, letting Lisa finish her eyebrow torture. After 30 more minutes of me ducking and dodging her hurtful hands, she was done.

Needless to say, they were flawless. "The power is in the hands." She said, putting her tweezers on the vanity which was cluttered by mascara, lipstick and everything in between. "Let's get over to the church. Your dress is over there."

Lisa packed up everything we would need, as we journeyed over to the St. Monica's Baptist Church. It was close by Santa Monica beach, where Kyrie and I would be getting married.

When we got there, everyone was so friendly. I was walking to the back with Olivia and Lisa when I felt my phone vibrate. I took it out of my pocket, to see Kyrie calling me on Skype.

He didn't know I didn't want see him before the wedding, because I want him to be surprised. I handed the phone to Olivia and she happily answered. "Hi Daddy!" She smiled, waving vigorously.

"Hey Baby, where's your Momma?" He asked her, knowing if she had my phone I must be somewhere nearby. "She right here, but you can't see her because she wants to surprise you." Olivia told him as we sat in the room.

"Oh, okay." He huffed, and I heard crying in the other end. My little Lorenzo. "And she's really nervous." Olivia added, making Lisa laugh. "Well, tell her that she shouldn't be because I love her a lot and that I always will." Hearing him say that made me smile.

"Mommy, Daddy said-" "I heard him, boo." I stopped her because she was about to repeat every word he just said. "She heard you, Daddy." She told him and he chuckled. "I'll see you a little later, baby girl."

He told her, beginning to hang up, and they did just that after blowing each other kisses. She handed me my phone back, and I heard the door open. In walked a woman holding my dress.

I felt tears in my eyes as she hung it on the closet door. Lisa was tearing up too. This was really happening..

𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 | 𝐊𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐞 𝐈𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠.Where stories live. Discover now