Credits and Bios

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Hey everyone, Myou/Myouki/Myoukin here! I just wanted to start off by giving credit where credit's due while also writing out bios for everyone to give everyone a little look into our main characters. As a note, these are my general headcanons for the characters that I try to keep more-or-less faithful to the original depictions and may change a bit from story-to-story (mainly regarding AUs); any notable differences will usually be referenced during the story in question. Further information may be added here as needed.

All stories and art contained in this book are written/drawn by me; any music and/or inspiration for a story will be credited at the top of the chapter.


Creator: nekophy

Family: Reaper (Father) and Geno (Mother)

Abilities: Reaping souls, levitation, teleportation, construct summons (bones), weapon summons (scythe), energy drain


- Quiet and prefers to observe others over interacting; doesn't have many friends.

- Enjoys reading, stargazing, and telling puns as hobbies.

- Does not anger easily, but becomes a reckoning force if pushed too far; is incapable of jealousy.

- Attached to the people in his life; he forgives easily for fear of losing people.

- Tends to daydream; can get lost in his thoughts if left alone for too long.

- Is strong and smart, but does not like fighting if he can help it.

- Suffers from low self-esteem and tends not to stand up for himself.

- Has no preference between physical and emotional intimacy.

Palette Roller

Creator: angexci/angeutblogo

Family: Ink (Father) and Dream (Mother)

Abilities: Teleportation, construct summons (bones), weapon summons (paint roller), energy healing


- Excitable and friendly; he enjoys making friends but has a hard time keeping them.

- Enjoys exercising (training), art, and video games as hobbies.

- Good at holding his temper, but becomes emotional and hard to handle if pushed too far; gets jealous easily.

- Attached to the people in his life; hates being alone.

- A high-energy individual; tends to bounce from one activity to the next.

- Is strong enough to hold his own in a fight, but tries to resolve conflicts with words over violence if he can; trains with the Star Sans'.

- Suffers from low attention span and can become easily distracted.

- Leans toward physical intimacy, but can be emotionally intimate; has trouble understanding the difference between romantic and platonic relationships, leading to confusion and miscommunication (and pining).


If you think there's anything that should be added, let me know in the comments. With that out of the way, let's get on with the stories~

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