Update Announcement

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As some of you have noticed, the past two years have been rough on everyone; I am no exception to that rule. The last couple of months of last year, I had pretty much no story buffer because the things I wanted to work on couldn't be done in a month's time or were fighting me and I feel like my stories suffered a bit due to the monthly update schedule I held myself to for over three years.

Due to this, I'll be switching to a more flexible update schedule to work on the longer stories I've had sitting on the back burner as well as finish revamping the older Poth stories from the archived book (which I put off because the ending of one story felt rushed and I wanted to rework it, but got stuck and was forced to abandon it so I could focus on the monthly update stuff). On the downside, this means I won't be publishing a story every month anymore; in return, I'll be able to focus on the longer stories I've been wanting to flesh out but haven't had the time to mull over without a self-imposed deadline looming over me.

To be clear, I'm still writing Poth and FellPoth stories; I just won't be updating on a monthly schedule anymore. I look forward to producing more stories in the future that I can be proud of. 

PS: People who check my Tumblr (Myouki) around 5PM EST will get a little surprise as thanks for sticking with me and being so patient~

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