Creature Comforts (One-shot)

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Here's some Cat!Goth for your soul~

Chapter Warnings: Nightmares, death mention


Goth laughed as Palette accidentally smudged chocolate ice cream on his nasal ridge, trying in vain to lick it off and sneezing as it dripped into his nasal cavity, then finally using his scarf to wipe it off before it got on the new plush bear he bought.

Why did this feel familiar, and why did it feel as if he was moving on autopilot?

"Goth? You're really quiet... well, more quiet than usual," Palette craned forward as he walked, watching his friend curiously as they stopped at the crosswalk.

"Sorry," the smaller apologized, lightly holding up his ice cream, "Brain freeze."

A faint screech went off in the distance as Palette laughed, "Well, don't eat it so fast, silly!"

Wait... he had heard this before... he had to stop.

Palette stepped off the curb despite himself; a bright red sports car tore around the corner, but his body refused to react to the panic coursing through him and continued across the road.

No... he remembered this... he didn't want this!

He turned to the vehicle speeding toward him as something else darted into the road out of the corner of his socket; he wanted to run, scream, do something... but he just stood there like a literal deer in the headlights.

Please, not again!

Palette felt something slam into him; his body twisted around to see Goth. The monster wore a smile despite the tears overflowing from his sockets... despite knowing what was about to happen as he stumbled back from the force of the push, directly into the car's path and mere inches away from a fatal collision.


Palette jolted awake, slapping his hand over his mouth; an effort to stifle his scream while also resisting the overwhelming urge to be sick in remembrance of the events following the impact. He clenched his sockets shut, curling up in a ball as he choked on his sobs with tears streaking down his face and onto his pillow. All was quiet in the house as he laid on his side, crying his sockets out... except for the mewling ball of fur pushing against his skull. His sockets popped open to the pale blue and white eyes of his best friend shining in the dim moonlight; their owner was butting their head against him to get his attention.

Palette reached a hand out to stroke Goth along his back. "Mrrp?" the feline chirped in reply, redirecting his attention to the hand petting him.

"Sorry I woke you," the skeleton softly hiccupped, attempting a smile, "I'm okay now; I just had a bad dream." Goth became focused on headbutting his hand and arm, flopping over against him after losing balance before getting up to repeat the process as Palette slowly calmed down from the nightmare. 

He knew reassurances and apologies were a useless endeavor, but the cat in front of him still held the soul of his best friend. Even if he looked silly or crazy, talking with Goth was normal for him and he couldn't deny there were instances where it felt as if his companion could actually understand him.

Seemingly satisfied with the attention, Goth rounded the pillow and disappeared from view to find a new spot to settle down in as Palette listened for any other noises in the house. Taking in the silence, he concluded that his mom was still asleep. Sitting up, he checked his phone; he had some time left, so he could get another three or four hours of sleep in before it was time to get up.

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