What You Fear: Chapter 1

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"And then he said, 'Well, that couldn't have been me, I was asleep!'," Goth quipped, earning a snort shortly followed by laughter from Palette. The two skeletons were currently walking down the sidewalk together after coming from a horror movie, which had a less than pleasant outcome, and a trip to a local sweets shop; that had resulted in a corny little heart-to-heart, but it was overall enjoyable.

Now, the pair were walking around, chatting about random things and making jokes. Though part of Palette's mind was still on the conversation back at the shop; he wasn't surprised Goth had fears like everyone else, but for it to be knives of all things... and they also said they were scared of losing him...

His sockets furrowed... could that mean-

"-ette? Helloooo, Earth to Palette!" the smaller skeleton called out, waving his left hand in front of his companion's face.

Palette jumped, pulled from his thoughts, "Sorry, what did you say?"

Goth's sockets crinkled in concern as he stared at them, "Are you sure you're alright? You got really quiet; that's not like you... if you're still feeling upset from the movie, we can go-"

"Nah, I wasn't thinking of that," Palette cut him off with a smile, thumping his fist against his chest "You don't have to worry about me! I'm already way over the movie, so let's keep hanging out!"

Goth blinked, giggling at his display as they passed an alley, "Alright, if you're sure. Maybe we can-"

"Well, lookie what we got here..." A low voice rumbled. Both monsters froze in their tracks as a grizzly bear monster sidled around the corner. The guy was easily two times the pair's height, wearing a red vest, dark blue jeans, and sneakers. The pair didn't doubt that his dark grey fur was hiding plenty of muscle. He didn't give off a very reassuring aura, either.

Goth looked as if he was going to tell the guy off, but Palette touched his shoulder, giving a slight shake of his head. Surely, a little diplomacy would do the trick and resolve the situation!

Palette walked up to the monster, pushing down his nerves as he realized just how big they were. "Hi, um... could you move, please? We're trying to get through and... um...," he faltered when his request was met with a glare, "y-you're blocking the sidewalk."

The bear reached into his vest, huffing with an incredulous tone, "Are you really that dense? Do you really not understand what's happening here?" Palette's eye sockets widened as a knife was pulled out and brandished toward him, "This is a mugging; you're not going anywhere until we get what we want." He took a shaky step away as mugger laughed, pointing the weapon over the skeleton's shoulder, "Looks like your buddy there gets the point."

Risking a glance behind him, Palette's soul felt like a chunk of ice in his chest at the sight of his best friend. Goth's posture was rigid, like he wanted to move but physically couldn't. He was visibly shaking, both arms pressed to his chest in a guarded fashion; his right hand grasped his scarf in a death-grip while his legs looked as if they could barely hold him up. Both sockets were matching voids as tears began to build up around the edges, but his empty gaze was clearly focused on the knife before them.

Inching backward while keeping the bear in his sights, the taller skeleton slowly placed himself in between the mugger and his friend. Goth looked absolutely petrified; he wouldn't be able to fight like this. No matter how scary this guy was... even if Palette was afraid of getting hurt, he had to protect his friend.

"Back up," Palette muttered to the smaller skeleton over his left shoulder. He started moving backward himself, relieved to find Goth shakily following his lead.

They had nearly made it to the alley entrance when the burly monster interrupted, "Leaving so soon? My friends might not like that much."

Shuffling noises echoed off the alley walls. Another glance behind them revealed the appearance of three more monsters: a horned blue demon, a thick green snake, and a white rabbit. Two humans were also present: a red-headed spiky-haired one and a brunette one. Each one had a sinister look to them, placing themselves in a way that cut off any escape; these must have been the 'friends' the bear had been hinting at...

 Each one had a sinister look to them, placing themselves in a way that cut off any escape; these must have been the 'friends' the bear had been hinting at

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"Look," Palette gulped, keeping his eye lights on the leader while listening for movement behind him, "we... we really don't have that much money... at least, not enough to make this worth your time. Please, just let us go and we can-"

"Well, that's gonna be a problem," The grizzly interrupted, waved the knife a bit with a mock-disappointed frown on his muzzle, "I think you're holding out on us; it looks like you both just need a little convincing!"

Both skeletons tensed as the mugger turned assailant, closing the distance and raising his knife before slashing in a downward arc.


Word Count: 849

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