(Ch.6) An Old Childhood friend

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Sonic and Shadow were asleep together next to a moon pool in a cave Shadow woke up and yawned like a cute kitten then Sonic woke up then he yawn like a wolf lion (it's not real I just made it up) Shadow then looked at Sonic with a smile "Morning Sonic" said Shadow, "Morning Shadz *grunts* what happened last night" he said rubbing the the back of his neck
Shadow blushed red like a tomato "we....well.....you know" he said with a crack in his voice "Oh I remember" Sonic said blushing red

(5 hours later)
Sonic looked at Shadow with a worried look on his face "Shadow are you ok?" said Sonic, Shadow was looking at the water then he heard Sonic calling his name "Huh?..." Shadow turned around and looked at Sonic "Shadow you okay?" asked Sonic, Shadow nodded "um Sonic can I stay please I want to have some alone time with the water" said Shadow, Sonic nodded and left to go find Chip and Melog

With Shadow (At the moon pool)
Shadow took a deep breath he took off his gloves shoes, socks and his collar and dropped them to the side them jumped in the water head first then bubbles roses up to the service of the water he was screaming in pain

His fur turned into scales his claws grew longer his fin quills pushing together making a fin coming out of his backside his tail rapped around his legs making a Siren tail his eyes turned ocean blue then he started to swim into deep ocean waters

Meanwhile with Sonic

Sonic found Chip and Melog "SONIC!!" chip flew to him and hugged him tightly Melog jump on Sonic and he purred Chip looked around to see if Shadow was with him "Sonic where'd Shadow go?" asked Chip "Oh he and I went to a moon pool in a cave and he said he wanted to be alone so I left him alone" Sonic exspland to Chip and Melog "I just hope his ok?" said Chip, " ya meet to buddy me too" said Sonic

Meanwhile with Shadow

Shadow swam in the ocean then he saw something it was an electric eal he licked his lips then he grabbed a Spear and hide behind a rock then when the eal wasn't looking he quietly creeped up slowly behind the eal then out of no where a Spear hits the eal then Shadow swam out from behind the rock and dropped the Spear that he had in his hand then something swam past him then he turned around but one was there then they did it again he turned around and growled and hissed then he felt a tap on his shoulder then he turned around, but one was there then he felt a hard slap then turned around it felt like someone was playing with him like a trick or something then he turned around then he saw another siren it was a female "Ryn? RYN!" Shadow swam to her "SHADOW!" Ryn Swam to him They both swam in a circle then Ryn swam around him and made happy siren noises "I missed you old friend" said Ryn with a smile "me too" said Shadow "I'm glad your back cause you know matting session upon us Shady it is your duty I knew you would come back for it" Ryn said with a giggle swing around her future mate "I know, but..." said Shadow he pussed "Shadow you don't have to if you don't want to it's your choice" she said making sad siren noises swimming around him "No I-I...I want to and I know it is my duty to carry on our generation, but..."said Shadow sadly "But you want to go do it with him don't you?" She said he didn't know what to say about it 'Do I just tell him how I feel or what, what do I say' he thought "N-no it's not that it's just....." said Shadow looking at his scales on his arm Ryn looked at Shadow's arm then she gasped "it's your Scales they were exposed weren't they?" asked Ryn Shadow nodded (yes) "I didn't know until I saw my arm" said Shadow "did anyone see you transform" asked Ryn swimming around him "no" said Shadow "well that's good" said Ryn "but...." Shadow said then he paused "but what Shady" she said as she stopped swimming around him "What if people see me like this? What if think I'm a monster? They'll send me to the millatary then they'll send me to sientistce to be experiment on or or maybe do experiments to me and I just don't want you to get hurt again I don't want to loose another I don't want to loose you" he said with his ears down Ryn looked at Shadow with a smile "Shadz your not going to loose me or have yourself get cappcherd I know your not going to do that but I believe that you have a good advantage of them.... Shadow" she said lifting his chin Shadow looked into her eyes and gazing at them Ryn did the same thing their eyes turned white then light faded away then they're eyes turned back to normal they both blinked twice then swam back a bit "w-what happened to me" said Shadow "well my work here is done" Ryn giggles "what do mean?" asked Shadow "you'll see plus you'll thank me" said Ryn "ok we'll see ya" said Shadow then he swam away "SHADOW WAIT!" Ryn called out and swam after him with the electric eal in here hand "here take it and I'm sorry that I took your kill" she said handing it to him "no you killed fare a square" he said "you know your going to need it" she said Shadow rolled his eyes playfully and smiled then he takes the eal and grabbed it and swam off then he turned around and waved "BYE RYN!!" yelled Shadow while waving at her the he swam off "GOOD BYE MY OLD FRIEND!!" she yelled back then the two friends swam in different ways but what they didn't know that a robot camera was catching they every move "so that cat serum that I gave him was working, but I make everyone believe me and if I tell them that sirens were real I'll be Rich RICH!!!, but I catch Shadow's futtuer mate and show them ALL!!" someone evil laugh
To Be Continued.....

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