(Ch.14) Back to getter again/Ocean control

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In the Ocean
Donna and Ryn hugged Shadow "Shady we missed you" Ryn said "Are you ok? what did the humans do to you?" Donna asked worriedly with anger in her voice "Donna Ryn I'm ok I missed you guys so much" Shadow said hugging them then they hugged him back then they all back away "How's the colony?" Danna asked Shadow's ears went down and didn't answer "what happe-" Ryn said then Shadow swam to Donna and hugged her tightly while crying "hey what's wrong" Donna said while Ryn rubbing his back then Donna know what she should do to make him calm down she started to sing a song not just any song a Siren song

Donna sang it to him then Shadow started to feel better Donna stopped singing and Shadow let go of her "feel better" Ryn said still rubbing his back "ya I feel better now" Shadow said calmly "that's good" Donna said with a smile then Shadow thought about what Ryn did to him and he remembers what happened

Flash Back
Shadow looked into her eyes and gazing at them Ryn did the same thing their eyes turned white then light faded away then they're eyes turned back to normal
End of Flash Back

"What is Shadow?" Donna asked "Ryn remember what you did to me our eyes glowed white then they faded away and what do you mean by that?" He asked Ryn "what did you do to him Ryn?" Donna asked with her arms crossed "let's just say I may have well...." Ryn said in then she said with a pause Donna changed at her and they both started to fight Shadow grabbed Donna pulling her away from Ryn then the three of them hear something it was loud and noisy and it was hurting their ears they covered them then a wave in the water hit Shadow then it slammed him into a rock then he's eyes went shut and he collapsed Donna carred Shadow and they went to the serface followed by Ryn and they all started to transform back into there human form Shadow turned back into his hedgehog-cat form they didn't have what to do and they also didn't know what that sound was, but that they know that it was bad

To Be Continued......

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