(Ch.10) The Luer

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It was Morning at the Marine Research Center Ben and Maddie got dressed Maddie took Chip and coffted him into her jacket Ben picked up Melog and took them to the car "I got Chip you have Melog?" asked Maddie Ben nodded and put them both in the car "I go back to wake up Sonic" said Ben before Ben could go back to wake up Sonic he saw that he was gone all Ben could see was a blanket and a pillow on the ground Maddie came to see what was going on with Ben then they both ran back outside to look for him but then they both sighed with relief that he was near the car "Sonic we were so worried about you Ben was looking for you then I came in I was also wondering were you where" said Maddie hugging Sonic "It's ok Maddie I'm fine so are we going or what?" said Sonic Ben, Maddie and Sonic got in the car and drove to Helen's Antiquities Shop

Meanwhile with Shadow
Shadow was swimming throw the dark ocean then he saw his colony looking for a mate there Merpepole looking for their kind to match with them and the same for the Merhogs Shadow swam to Tai who was their Alpha "Hi Alpha" said Shadow bowling to his Alpha "What are you doing here aren't you going t-" before she could go further she looked at Shadow's tail she saw that he had a spick then she looked at his back she saw a fin the all of the female Merhogs and Merpepole swam up to Shadow he hissed at the females then they all stepped back and they hissed back him then Shadow's eyes turned ocean cristal blue then he hissed back at them again all of the female respected his space and went back to their mates Shadow looked back at Tai "Shadow you need to go back in line like the rest of the males and the females will choose someone to mate with" she said as she hissed at him then Shadow hissed back in refused way "No I'm going to find Ryn she got cought in a net" he said Tai swam up to Shadow and got close "What do you mean she got caught in a net?" she said Shadow had his ears down in shame "well....I..... nevermind" he said "Shadow you know if they don't come they're die" she said "You don't know if she's die or not" he said "Look Danna died cause she wasn't paying attention" she said "Danna died cause someone shot her and she was in a lab they experiment on her" he said "look you can't find her cuse she is dead she got just like Danna so just live with it now go in line and a female will pick you" said Tai "no" said Shadow "Listen Pup I'm the Alpha you do as I say" said Tai "I don't care what you say or do I'll never give up on her"said Shadow "If you swim away you'll be banished" said Tai Shadow thought about it but he just wanted to get Ryn back, so he swam away Tai growled then swam up to him he turned around Tai wiped her tail at Shadow and scratch him all over then she stabed him in the chest then Shadow swam fast as he could up to the shallow water "Let him go he'll died in hell" said Tai (6 hours later) Shadow swam up to the service Helen saw him and grabbed a towel and raped it around him then they went through the back door and went upstairs Shadow put the clothes on that Helen gave him then she left him some fish and some salmon and sardines on a tray in and put them on the table then she walked out of the room and locked the door

Meanwhile with Sonic
Ben parked the car "ok" said Ben Maddie, Ben and Sonic unbuckle their setbelts and got out of the car Ben grabbed a hat and a jacket and gave it to Sonic "here were this" said Ben Sonic put the hat on and raped the jacket around his neck and walked "Maddie where are going again" Sonic asked "Where going to Helen" said Maddie "and we're here" added Ben Maddie knocked on the door then someone opened it it was a white bat "Hello" said the white bat "Hi um...we're here to see Helen Halkins" said Ben "ok come in" said Rouge Maddie and Ben walked in "Sonic hun how are you?" Asked Rouge "Oh I'm ok how are things going with you and Knuckles?" asked Sonic "He's good" Rouge said as Sonic walked in she closed the door then locked it and went down stairs "hi Helen" said Ben "It nice to see Helen" said Maddie Helen nodded "so your Sonic?" asked Helen "yes" repylied "Sonic" said Tails "hey tails what's that" asked Sonic Tails and Ben put it in the table "It's a Luer" said Ben "I don't think that's nessesary" said Helen "it will only take a second" said Ben Tails turned the bitten on it was something screaming in pain "*Gasped* that poor thing" said Vanilla Shadow herd the screaming then he knew what it was it was Danna's scream after she died then Shadow screamed back "trun it off" said Helen Danna was Screaming the Shadow screamed back the he flipped the table then ran to the door "TURN IT OFF NOW!!" yelled Helen Shadow ran down stairs then he tried to open the door everyone could hear him Screaming then he used his body to bang the door open then he turned the nobe on the door he opened it "sister" he said Shadow ran to the Luear and tryed to see if she was in their "sister sister" he said "Shadow it's ok it's just sound you listen to it" Helen explained to him Shadow was in tears

He ran to Sonic and hugged him tightly while crying into his fur "Shadow you o- wow wow hey hey it ok it's ok I'm here" said Sonic hugging him back then Shadow stepped back then wiped his tears
"Sorry I just miss her" He said
wipping his tears and sniffing "I know Ryn dose to" said Maddie "Oh and Shadz these are my friends Maddie and Ben" said Sonic "Hi" said Shadow "hi" replied Maddie "hey" added Ben he waved "Sonic" he said then he hugged him "ya Shadz" said Sonic "I-I really Miss you" he said "ya me too" he replied "My question is who's Ryn and what is she?" asked Sonic "Ryn is like me Sonic" said Shadow Sonic had a confused look on his face "What do mean..?" Sonic asked "I want to show you something" Shadow said "but where do go?" asked Maddie
"The place where we took Ryn when she first got on land" Ben said Shadow then started to cough Maddie walked to Shadow "Ben look" said Maddie "Just like Ryn" added Ben "Shadow hun are you going to make it?" asked Shadow "yes I make it" Shadow spoke in his Siren voice "Shadz you sure cause your speeking differently?" Sonic said Shadow hissed at Sonic like a cat Shadow then pushed Sonic out of the way Sonic grabbed Shadow's hips then pulled him close "Shadow I don't know what's going on with you, but I want to help you and What every you need to find I want to help" said Sonic "and hun where all here for you" added Rouge "will help you find Ryn" added Ben "Were here for you" added Maddie "Thank you all for you help and I'm going to need it" said Shadow "ok let's get Ryn back" Ben said then everyone cheers
To Be Continued....

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